Business & Economy

Why Burning Fossil Fuels is to Today’s Pandemics as Fleas were to the Black Death
Mar 15, 2020 There is an exact analogy between Trump’s treatment of Covid-19 and his treatment of the climate emergency.
The Real Losers on Super Tuesday
Mar 4, 2020 If Joe Biden's campaign resurrection wins him the nomination and ultimately the presidency, he will fail America on three crucial fronts.
Netanyahu’s Election Victory Could Mean Palestine’s Destruction
Mar 3, 2020 After the Israeli prime minister's Likud Party falls shy of a governing majority, one PLO official laments the "triumph of apartheid."
The Stark Difference Between Sanders and Bloomberg on Israel
Feb 26, 2020 A leading question about Israel on the CBS debate stage gets two very different responses from the two Jewish Democratic candidates.
The Trumps Had No Right to Visit the Taj Mahal
Feb 25, 2020 Why should a known islamophobe be allowed to visit one of the most magnificent products of Indo-Muslim architecture?
Chris Matthews Has Sanders Derangement Syndrome
Feb 24, 2020 The MSNBC pundit's egregious comments about Bernie Sanders lead to calls for his ouster, while his delusions spread throughout cable news.
Palestinians Reject Trump’s Middle East Plan en Masse
Feb 19, 2020 Some 94% of Palestinians reject the Kushner Plan, and two-thirds of Palestinians support the way President Mahmoud Abbas has tackled it.
Netanyahu Boasts That He Destroyed Free Speech in America
Feb 17, 2020 Israel's caretaker prime minister, who is facing an election soon, is bragging about undermining the Constitution's First Amendment.
The Companies Profiteering From Palestinian Oppression
Feb 13, 2020 The United Nations releases a long-awaited list of 112 companies that do business with Israeli squatters on the Palestinian West Bank.
The First Democratic Primary Should Be Illinois
Feb 4, 2020 Apart from all the unholy mess that is the caucus system, Illinois just looks much more like America than does Iowa.
Bernie Sanders Is the Only Candidate Who Can Save America
Feb 3, 2020 He grasps the urgency of multiple crises we're facing and has actionable plans to address them.
Trump Is All But Provoking al-Qaida With His Latest Move
Jul 21, 2019 The president is sending troops to Saudi Arabia. Has everyone forgotten what the extremist organization made of U.S. military presence there?
Trump Is Tanking the American Manufacturing Industry
Jul 17, 2019 The president tips the sector, which is about 14% of the U.S. gross national product, into recession with his trade war with China.
The U.K. Ambassador’s Horrifying Conclusion About the Iran Deal
Jul 15, 2019 In Kim Darroch's leaked diplomatic cables lies a key to understanding Trump's hatred of the 2015 nuclear treaty with Iran.
The Top Trump Administration Scandals—Aside From Trump’s
Jul 14, 2019 The resignation of the secretary of Labor Alex Acosta is only the most recent in a string of such scandals for the current administration.
Israel Is Disappearing the Proof That It Oppresses Palestinians
Jul 7, 2019 A secretive agency is systematically removing archived documents that detail repression against Palestinians and Palestinian-Israelis.
The Latest Signs We Are Cooking the Planet and Ourselves
Jul 3, 2019 Things are getting noticeably harder and hotter due to climate change, and the worst part is, we are doing this to ourselves.
European Leaders Defy Trump on Iran With Bold Move
Jul 1, 2019 European powers have made operational a mechanism that will allow companies to do business with Iran while avoiding U.S. sanctions.
Ocasio-Cortez Is Right—We Are Running Concentration Camps
Jun 20, 2019 The Congress member is under fire for using the term to describe holding facilities for refugees and other undocumented entrants into the U.S.
India Could Pull Off a Green Energy Miracle
Jun 19, 2019 For the first time in history, India is investing more in solar energy than in coal and could soon catch up with the U.S.
Why So Many Brits Can’t Stand Donald Trump
Jun 5, 2019 The U.S. president imagines the British public rolled out a welcome mat, but their actual reaction to his recent visit was profound dismay.
Mike Pompeo Destroys Jared Kushner’s ‘Deal of the Century’
Jun 3, 2019 In private remarks that were recorded and leaked, the Secretary of State threw cold water on the unrevealed plan for Israel and Palestine.
The Israeli Government Is Collapsing Before Our Eyes
May 29, 2019 If Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu doesn't succeed in forming a government, Israel will have snap elections in September.
Scotland Does a Stunning About-Face on Climate Change
Apr 29, 2019 First Minister Nicola Sturgeon calls a “climate emergency” in response to a call from to the youth protest movement Extinction Rebellion.
The Undeniable Link Between Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia
Apr 28, 2019 Those who promote loathing of Muslims among white people are creating an atmosphere in which, inevitably, Jews will also be attacked.
Trump’s Recent Moves Against Iran Are Silly—but Deadly
Apr 24, 2019 The Iranian parliament votes to declare U.S. CENTCOM forces terrorists in retaliation for the president's recent harassment.
The Right Is Attacking Ilhan Omar With Anti-Semitic Tropes
Apr 22, 2019 Racism is not that complicated, so it is not a surprise that contemporary racists can’t come up with new tropes for demeaning minorities.
Why Aren’t Top Democrats Coming to Ilhan Omar’s Defense?
Apr 14, 2019 The party leadership isn't defending the Minnesota congresswoman from Trump's attacks for one simple reason.
Trump Is Painting a Red Target on U.S. Troops in Iraq
Apr 7, 2019 The Trump administration is considering designating the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps a terrorist organization; it is a very bad idea.
Trump’s Dirty Tricks Have Worldwide Reach
Apr 3, 2019 Links between Jared Kushner, the Saudi crown prince, Qatar and the recent hack of Jeff Bezos' phone keep surfacing.
Scotland’s Green Energy Strides Are Leaving Us in the Dust
Mar 31, 2019 Nearly 75 percent of the British nation's 2018 gross electricity consumption came from renewables, and that's far from its only green success.
Americans’ Views on Palestine Take a Surprising Turn
Mar 27, 2019 For the first time in many years, 50 percent of Americans favor the establishment of a Palestinian state in Gaza and the West Bank.
Rupert Murdoch Is a Relentless Purveyor of Islamophobia
Mar 17, 2019 The world-straddling press lord's media is under pressure in the wake of the massacre of 50 worshipers by a white supremacist terrorist at a New Zealand mosque.
America’s Long History of Hysteria About Women’s Veils
Mar 12, 2019 Nothing is more American historically than veiling and debates on veiling.
Norway’s Extremely Ambiguous Relationship to Oil
Mar 10, 2019 When it comes to hydrocarbons, the Scandinavian nation can't seem to decide what the best course of action is.
Paul Manafort’s Sentence Is an Affront to Us All
Mar 9, 2019 Let’s compare some jail terms for shoplifting small items with the Trump campaign manager's sentence for tax avoidance.
Spain’s Socialists Have Big Green Plans for the Country
Mar 6, 2019 The Mediterranean nation is already getting 40 percent of its electricity from renewables, and its government hopes to double that by 2030.
Costa Rica’s Bold Plan to Combat Fossil Fuels
Mar 3, 2019 The country's president, Carlos Alvarado, announced that the country would transition to net carbon zero.
Netanyahu’s Political Career Is Probably Not Over
Mar 2, 2019 Despite the announcement that the Israeli prime minister will be indicted on bribery and fraud charges, he may well be reelected.
Jared Kushner’s Multibillion-Dollar Plot to Give Saudis Nukes
Feb 24, 2019 A scheme to sell the kingdom sensitive American nuclear technology that could allow it to develop nuclear weapons is unveiled.
We’ve Sleepwalked Into a Constitutional Crisis
Feb 19, 2019 From Trump’s very first speech as president, it's been apparent the 45th president is a constitutional crisis waiting to happen.
Trump’s Grand Coalition Against Iran Is Completely Falling Apart
Feb 17, 2019 Not only has the U.S. president failed to rally Europe to his crusade, but even the anti-Iran states of the Gulf have split.
What’s Really Driving the Latest Attacks on Rep. Ilhan Omar
Feb 11, 2019 The congresswoman has been accused of anti-Semitism, but her tweets reveal an inconvenient truth about AIPAC's influence in Washington.
The United States Is the Most Corrupt Country in the World
Jan 30, 2019 Although Transparency International ranks it at 22 on its new list of corrupt countries, the U.S. actually belongs at the bottom.
7 Racist Exclusions that Reveal America’s Ugly Side
Jan 28, 2019 On the occasion of the two-year anniversary of Trump’s Muslim visa ban and Holocaust Remembrance Day, it's worth reviewing some U.S. history.
Republican Islamophobia Is Leading Us Toward a Major Massacre
Jan 27, 2019 Trump’s rhetoric of hatred creates an atmosphere in which domestic terrorism is likely to thrive.
John Bolton Aims to Plunge Us Into Another Generation of War
Jan 14, 2019 The national security adviser has been agitating for a war on Iran for two decades, and if he's not reined in, he could soon get his way.
How Trump’s 2019 Foreign Policy Will Change the World
Jan 13, 2019 The president's new doctrine with 2020 nearing is “Let Trump be Trump."
The Most Dangerous Thing Trump Has Ever Said
Jan 10, 2019 The president's talk of declaring a national emergency so that he can build a border wall with Mexico is highly alarming.
The Real Threat to Our Safety Has Nothing to Do With Our Southern Border
Jan 9, 2019 The actual emergency is not related to immigration, but to our rapidly warming climate.
The Collapse of the ‘War on Terror’ Paradigm
Jan 2, 2019 There are signs that the U.S. foreign and military policy that marked the post-9/11 era may be winding down.
How Saudi Arabia’s Play for Regional Hegemony Unraveled
Dec 31, 2018 The arrogant and impatient young Mohammed Bin Salman, who shouldered aside family members to grab power, is something new in Saudi history.
Is Saudi Arabia Hiring Sudanese Children to Fight in Yemen?
Dec 30, 2018 The New York Times causes an international stir by estimating that 20 percent of Sudanese fighters in Yemen may be between 13 and 17.
The People Trump Totally Ignored on His Surprise Visit to Iraq
Dec 27, 2018 The U.S. president treats the Mideast nation like an empty vessel useful only for hosting the U.S. military.
The Winners and Losers of Trump’s Abrupt Syria Withdrawal
Dec 20, 2018 The president shakes up world politics by unexpectedly announcing a full and immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from northeast Syria.
Airbnb’s Boycott of Israeli Squatter Settlements Is a Major Turning Point
Dec 19, 2018 The living space-sharing company's delisting of apartments in the West Bank's illegal settlements marks a shift in the business world.
Rich Countries Are Actively Failing to Curb the Climate Emergency
Dec 6, 2018 Half of the world's wealthiest countries (and biggest polluters) are not going to bother to meet their own commitments to emissions reductions.
Saudi Arabia Is Finally Losing Support From Key GOP Senators
Dec 5, 2018 Reactions to a briefing by CIA Director Gina Haspel suggest the crown prince will face consequences for the murder of Jamal Khashoggi.
An Indictment of Netanyahu Would Further Endanger Palestinians
Dec 3, 2018 A change in Israel's government could accelerate Israeli dispossession of the Palestinians and result in further warfare and bloodshed.
How George H.W. Bush Got Us Stuck in the Mideast
Dec 2, 2018 On the occasion of the death of former president, I’d like to reflect on the meaning of his presidency for American foreign policy in the region.
There’s One Thing We Can Do to Break Saudi Arabia’s Hold Over the U.S.
Nov 26, 2018 Trump has consistently given Saudi control of oil prices as the reason he doesn’t want to sanction the Saudi crown prince for Jamal Khashoggi's death.
What Trump Doesn’t Want You to Know About the Climate Emergency
Nov 25, 2018 The Trump administration dropped the second volume of a congressionally mandated study of the climate crisis during Thanksgiving weekend in order to bury it.
The WWI Lessons We Haven’t Learned
Nov 11, 2018 While Trump is in Paris to commemorate the end of World War I, we should learn from that bloody episode that, among other things, we cannot credit politicians who promise us a short, glorious war.
Love vs. Hate: On the Pittsburgh Attack and Other Atrocities
Nov 4, 2018 The massacre in the Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh did not take place in a vacuum—it is part of a wave of hate crimes sweeping our country.
Trump Administration Abruptly Calls for End to War in Yemen
Nov 1, 2018 Secretary of Defense James Mattis and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo push for a conclusion to the Saudi-backed quagmire.
Why a U.S. Divorce From Saudi Arabia Is Long Overdue
Oct 17, 2018 The current relationship of Washington and Riyadh is pathological in a lot of ways, and a policy rethink on both sides would benefit both countries.
What Middle Eastern Media Is Saying About Khashoggi’s Fate
Oct 14, 2018 Coverage of what happened to Saudi journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate in Istanbul has differed enormously from country to country.
When America Embraced Islamophobia
Oct 10, 2018 The Islamophobia that Donald Trump has made his own arose in the decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, once the boogeyman of Communism was removed from the quiver of the American right.
Fate of Human Race Depends on Massive Greening Effort
Oct 8, 2018 Scientists are warning us vehemently that we have to be net zero carbon by 2050, and we have to jump on getting there right now, or else very bad things will happen.
The U.S. Causes Refugee Crises. Now It’s Slashing Refugee Admissions.
Sep 18, 2018 Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announces that the Trump administration will cap refugee admissions at 30,000 in 2019, down from 45,000 in 2018 and from 85,000 in fiscal 2016.
Dear Carolinas: You Can’t Outlaw Our Climate Crisis
Sep 13, 2018 As Hurricane Florence, a storm intensified by climate change, heads to North and South Carolina, the states' past approaches to the environmental issue are coming to light.
Why John Bolton Should Be Tried at International Criminal Court
Sep 12, 2018 Here are the crimes that I allege the national security adviser has committed, for which he by all rights should face justice at the Hague, at the hands of the same ICC judges that he recently threatened.
#PlaidShirtGuy Illustrates Trump’s Tyrannical Tastes
Sep 11, 2018 The treatment of a local high-schooler by administration staff and Secret Service agents at a rally in Montana is an example of the president's pernicious pettiness.
Masses Around Globe Demand Action on Climate Crisis
Sep 9, 2018 Environmental activists protest in 90 countries and 800 cities worldwide in the runup to a major climate conference in San Francisco.
Trump’s Enablers Aren’t Saving Us—They’re Looting the Nation
Sep 6, 2018 The anonymous op-ed in The New York Times that describes a White House in meltdown is not an act of courage. It is a piece of moral cowardice of the worst sort.
The Frightening Foreign Policy Revealed in Woodward’s Book on Trump
Sep 5, 2018 Here are some of the points gleaned from excerpts from Bob Woodward’s upcoming book, “Fear,” which profiles the Trump White House on the basis of hundreds of hours of interviews with staffers.
China’s Maneuver in Oil Market Defies Trump’s Boycott of Iran
Sep 2, 2018 The Shanghai futures market is trading in the Chinese currency, the yuan, rather than in dollars. The move will allow China to buy Iranian crude till the cows come home, evading U.S. sanctions.
Top 7 Reasons Progressive Gillum Can Defeat DeSantis in Florida
Aug 30, 2018 The Florida governor's race takes an ugly turn as racism becomes an issue in the aftermath of comments the Republican candidate made about his opponent. Several issues in play show that the Tallahassee mayor could well win.
Where Is the War on Climate Change?
Aug 29, 2018 Although Hurricane Maria's death toll in Puerto Rico rivals that of the 9/11 attacks, the response to the two events has been dramatically different.
Trump’s Foreign Policy Strategy Compromised by Legal Woes
Aug 27, 2018 The president's domestic woes as an unindicted co-conspirator inevitably make him weak on the world stage.
That Time Republicans Used Racism to Defeat McCain’s Presidential Bid
Aug 26, 2018 When George W. Bush was running against the late Arizona senator in the 2000 GOP primary, the Bush campaign implied McCain's adopted daughter from Bangladesh was born from an affair between the senator and a black woman.
Is Trump’s Fascism Part of Why Michael Cohen Chose to Implicate Him?
Aug 23, 2018 The president's personal attorney's decision to come clean about him, and thus end any possibility of a presidential pardon, may be the result of a legal strategy, or it could just point to the sudden acquisition of a conscience.
Trump Joke About Israel Reveals His Ignorance
Aug 22, 2018 In a conversation earlier this summer with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Trump reportedly said, "[In a one-state scenario,] the prime minister of Israel in a few years will be called Mohammed.”
Why Is the U.S. Helping Saudis Kill Children in Yemen?
Aug 20, 2018 The Saudi and United Arab Emirates' war on Yemen, which was launched by Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman in March 2015, has flown under the radar among the U.S. public until a recent bombing.
Mueller Looking Into Trump Associate’s Dealings With China, Malaysia
Aug 19, 2018 The special counsel's team is exploring whether Elliott Broidy, former vice chair of the Trump Victory Committee, used his administration connections to engage in influence peddling and seek kickbacks from abroad.
Under Trump, Congressional Candidate Could Have Been Barred From the U.S.
Aug 15, 2018 Ilhan Omar, a refugee from Somalia and a Muslim, wins the Democratic primary for Minnesota’s 5th District House seat, hoping to succeed Keith Ellison.
Multicultural Crowd Rallies in Tel Aviv Against Likud Apartheid Law
Aug 13, 2018 About 30,000 people, mainly Palestinian-Israelis but also Jewish supporters, rally in the downtown area against the so-called “Jewish nationality law” passed by the far-right Likud Party and its allies.
Saudi Arabia’s Bin Salman Savagely Lashes Out, From Yemen to Qatar to Canada
Aug 9, 2018 The yacht-loving Renaissance art collector who tried to pull the wool over the eyes of the American elite is a serial diplomatic disaster.
Europe, Russia and China Defy Trump on Iran Sanctions
Aug 8, 2018 The president fails to get buy-in from allies and rivals, who pledge to keep dealing with Iran.
Stripping Refugee Status, Aid Won’t Stop Palestinians From Being Palestinians
Aug 5, 2018 The president's son-in-law has reportedly bought into a theory that Palestinian identity and desire to return to what is now Israel are being artificially kept alive because Palestinians are recognized as refugees by the United Nations.
Did Tillerson Lose His Job for Stopping a Saudi Invasion of Qatar?
Aug 2, 2018 A report in The Intercept suggests he was ousted as secretary of state because of the sway the United Arab Emirates ambassador in Washington, D.C., has over Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Israel’s Druze Minority Furious Over ‘Apartheid’ Law
Aug 1, 2018 After the passage of the “nationality” law, Israel is no longer multicultural. It is a country where national sovereignty lies solely in the hands of its Jewish citizens.
Top 5 Things Palestinian Activist Ahed Tamimi Learned in Colonial Israeli Prison
Jul 30, 2018 Tamimi uses the experience of being jailed to advantage, as have many other colonial prisoners including Mandela and Gandhi.