Juan Cole

Juan Cole

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Juan R. I. Cole is Richard P. Mitchell Collegiate Professor of History at the University of Michigan. For three and a half decades, he has sought to put the relationship of the West and...


The New Sputnik

May 11, 2011
In 1957, a United States shocked by the Soviet launch of the Sputnik 1 satellite bounced into action to compete on the world stage. More than 50 years later, in May of 2011, the U.S. is facing a new challenge.The House of Representatives in 2011 is full of politicians who actively despise science and higher education, hate environmentalism, deny global climate change and are in the back pocket of Big Oil.

Starship Amerika

Apr 20, 2011
President Barack Obama is actually siding with police who want to use GPS devices to track you without a warrant. It always disturbed me when on “Star Trek” the captain asked the ship’s computer where a crew member was and was told the person’s exact location.Is America heading toward being one big starship, where government officials can casually inquire at will into our whereabouts and private doings?

The Sleeping Giants of Tiny Bahrain

Mar 29, 2011
Washington’s tendency to handle the Bahraini monarchy with kid gloves and to defer to the Saudis is ill serving the stability of the Persian Gulf. Risking the radicalization of Bahrain’s Shiite community may be a very bad idea.Risking the radicalization of Bahrain’s Shiite community may be a very bad idea.

People Power vs. Washington

Mar 15, 2011
The claim that George W. Bush’s war of aggression against Iraq somehow opened up the Middle East to reform is an affront to the brave crowds that have risked their lives to change the American-backed order in that part of the world.

Saad’s Revolution

Feb 1, 2011
A largely unheralded hero of the Egyptian revolution is a mild-mannered academic who endured imprisonment and then exile for daring to criticize the Mubarak family’s increasingly dynastic ambitions.A largely unheralded hero of the Egyptian revolution is a mild-mannered academic who endured imprisonment and then exile.

U.S. Condemns Tyranny While Torturing Bradley Manning

Jan 25, 2011
Juan Cole examines the psychological torture of accused whistle-blower Bradley Manning in light of the collapse of Tunisia's brutal regime. The "monarchical national security state" created by George W. Bush and his cohort can abuse, torment and punish the unconvicted with the best of them.

Obama’s 2010 Successes and Failures in the Middle East

Dec 21, 2010
As the decade draws to a close, it is clear that the bright hopes inspired by Obama’s 2009 Cairo speech have markedly faded, and the disappointments have outweighed achievements in the most important arena for contemporary American foreign policy.The disappointments have outweighed achievements in the most important arena for contemporary American foreign policy.

Leaks Suggest Iran Is Now Winning in the Middle East

Dec 7, 2010
Iran is winning and Israel is losing That is the startling conclusion we reach if we consider how things have changed in the Middle East in the two years since most of the WikiLeaks State Department cables about Iran’s regional difficulties were written That is the startling conclusion we reach if we consider how things have changed since most of the leaked cables about Iran’s regional difficulties were written.

The WWI Lessons We Haven’t Learned

Nov 11, 2018
While Trump is in Paris to commemorate the end of World War I, we should learn from that bloody episode that, among other things, we cannot credit politicians who promise us a short, glorious war.

When America Embraced Islamophobia

Oct 10, 2018
The Islamophobia that Donald Trump has made his own arose in the decade after the collapse of the Soviet Union, once the boogeyman of Communism was removed from the quiver of the American right.

Trump Joke About Israel Reveals His Ignorance

Aug 22, 2018
In a conversation earlier this summer with Jordan’s King Abdullah II, Trump reportedly said, "[In a one-state scenario,] the prime minister of Israel in a few years will be called Mohammed.”

Anthony Bourdain: The Only Mensch on Gaza

Jun 10, 2018
The late chef was the only major American celebrity who succeeded in publicly depicting Palestinians as rational, caring human beings rather than as irrationally angry inciters of violence.

The Ruinous War on Yemen

Mar 26, 2018
Saudi Arabia is dropping billions of dollars-worth of bombs supplied by the U.S. and the U.K. on Sana'a, the Yemen capital.

Saudi King Fires Army Chief, Officers

Feb 27, 2018
The government offers no explanation for the seismic upheaval in the Saudi officer corps, but it is widely believed that the palace is impatient with the Yemen war quagmire.

Did Trump Help Engineer the Saudi Soft Coup?

Jan 7, 2018
In his new book "Fire and Fury," Michael Wolff makes a number of allegations about the U.S. president's role in the Gulf crisis that, if true, help explain the mess in that part of the Middle East.

Trump’s Disastrous Year in Syria

Dec 26, 2017
Of all his (often contradictory) campaign promises, the president’s actions came closest to the version where he lets the key Middle Eastern country go to the Russians.

Was Jesus Basically a DACA Dreamer?

Dec 24, 2017
In today’s U.S., Dreamers are undocumented young people who were brought here as children—much as Christ's parents took him to Galilee. Should he have been deported?

The New Arab League Cold War

Nov 22, 2017
The organization is embroiled in internal strife among its 22 members, largely having to do with Iran’s role in the Middle East.