
Sarah Palin Refudiates English

Jul 20, 2010
Move over, George W. Bush, there's a new language butcher and she's on a tear. Sarah Palin loved her made-up word refudiate so much she used it twice -- first in an interview and again on Twitter. Realizing she blew it, Palin corrected the word to refute but then used it incorrectly. Eventually, she compared herself to William Shakespeare and called it a day.
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Unsolved Mystery Edition

Feb 17, 2010
Why do Americans refuse to believe crime has been going down for a decade? Why are so many of them foot fetishists? And was Rene "I think, therefore I am" Descartes really murdered with a poisoned communion wafer? Answers to these questions and more on today's list.

Psychology, Metaphors and You

Sep 29, 2009
Can you tell your metaphors from your synecdoches? These terms may trigger bad freshman English flashbacks, but at least when it comes to metaphors, they're more important than you might think; in fact, they might just be intrinsic to how you think.

The War on Language

Sep 28, 2009
Those who seek to dominate our behavior first seek to dominate our speech. They seek to obscure meaning. The English- and Arabic-speaking worlds are each beset with a similar assault on language.The English- and Arabic-speaking worlds are each beset with a similar assault on language.

William Safire Dead at 79

Sep 28, 2009
The conservative New York Times columnist, Nixon speechwriter and college dropout lost a battle with pancreatic cancer Sunday. In his final opinion column for The Times, Safire wrote about mortality and his intention to reinvent himself at 75.

Basque Militants Suspected in Car Bombing

Jan 1, 2009
In a continuation of the decades-long struggle between the Spanish government and those calling for independence of the Basque territories, a car bomb went off near a Bilbao television station Wednesday. No one was injured in the blast, which authorities believe was set off by the ETA, a militant Basque independence group.

Bill Clinton Doesn’t Want ‘Any S— From Anybody’

Apr 22, 2008
Speaking over the phone to Philadelphia's WHYY, Bill Clinton defended his controversial comments following the South Carolina primary, saying the Obama campaign had played the race card against him. After the interview, apparently neglecting to hang up, the former president could be heard using language not normally aired on public radio: "I don't think I should take any s--- from anybody on that, do you?" Update: Denial.