
If McCain Had Won
Jul 16, 2011 Nothing reveals the true state of American politics today more than the fact that Democratic President Barack Obama has left the Democratic Party far weaker than it would have been had McCain been elected.President Obama has left the Democratic Party far weaker than it would have been had Sen. John McCain been elected.
WikiLeaks Exposes the Danger of Pakistan’s Nukes
Jan 13, 2011 There are few scenarios more frightening for America than a domestic nuclear terrorist attack. We now know that U.S. policy is actually increasing the danger of a nuclear incident.Hillary Clinton Celebrates Kissinger While White House Repeats His Mistakes
Sep 29, 2010 Future historians will marvel at how U.S. leaders failed to learn from their horrific crimes in Indochina, and are instead repeating many of them today.
Why Gen. Petraeus’ Assassination Inc. Threatens Us All
Aug 24, 2010 Greatly expanded US military Special Ops teams, U drone strikes and private espionage networks run by former CIA assassins create a threat to our security.
When Rolling Stone Calls the Shots, It’s Time to Negotiate
Jul 1, 2010 It is amazing how little commentary there has been on the key issue raised by the McChrystal Affair: Should U.S. war policy be made by Rolling Stone?
5 Million Iraqis Killed, Maimed, Tortured, Displaced — Think That Bothers War Boosters?
Jun 24, 2010 The immensity of Iraqi civilian suffering is incomprehensible. How can war's cheerleaders like Christopher Hitchens claim to fight on behalf of the people whose lives they helped destroy?How can war's cheerleaders like Christopher Hitchens claim to fight on behalf of the people whose lives they helped destroy?
A Warning From Noam Chomsky on the Threat of Elites
Jun 7, 2010 Whether in war or finance, the imperial mentality of elites is increasingly threatening the "unpeople" of the world, as Noam Chomsky writes in his latest book.
Fred Branfman on ‘The Big Short’
May 7, 2010 Author Michael Lewis in his best-selling book takes us inside capitalism’s “doomsday machine,” and it’s your worst nightmare come true.Rotten Minds, Shriveled Hearts and Human Souls
Feb 2, 2010 Should progressives hold themselves to a higher standard than the name-calling and intellectual violence that conservative bloggers routinely engage in? Much could rest on the answer to this question.Zinn Is Dead — Long Live ‘Zinn’
Jan 29, 2010 One of our beacons of integrity has flickered out. Our world has suddenly become a little darker, a little colder, a little more bitter and a little more insane.