
Class: The Little Word the Elites Want You to Forget
Mar 2, 2020 Our oligarchic rulers are determined to ban all discussion of class warfare, which is why they are trying to block the nomination of Sanders.
The Zionist Colonization of Palestine
Feb 24, 2020 For more than a century Zionists and, later, Israelis have pursued a project to seize and ethnically cleanse Palestinian land.
The New Rules of the Game
Feb 17, 2020 If Bernie Sanders — miraculously — wins the nomination, Democratic Party elites suddenly will bless Trump as the least worst option.
What Is Happening to Assange Will Happen to the Rest of Us
Feb 10, 2020 The global security state, which is not bound by the rule of law, will target all who defy it.
America: Land of Make-Believe
Feb 3, 2020 The self-aggrandizing lies we tell ourselves have induced a collective schizophrenia.
The Disaster of Utopian Engineering
Jan 28, 2020 Neoliberalism, the latest utopian project, aims at concentrating wealth in the hands of the few while reducing the many to peonage.
The Problem With Impeachment
Jan 27, 2020 It's about cosmetics and will do nothing to halt the decay that is destroying the republic.
A Circus Then, a Circus Now
Jan 20, 2020 The presidential campaign is, by some measures, in its second year. Here's what Chris Hedges had to say about the contest in January 2019.
How Democracies Die
Jan 13, 2020 The United States' descent toward tyranny mirrors the experience of Germany and Italy in the 1930s.
War With Iran
Jan 3, 2020 The assassination of Gen. Soleimani has opened a Pandora’s box containing existential dangers to the American Empire.
Onward, Christian Fascists
Dec 30, 2019 The most dangerous legacy of the Trump administration will be the seizure of power by the Christian right.