
Collapse of the Eighth Continent: Shangri-La Meets Global Capitalism
Dec 20, 2013 Madagascar’s graceful society and unique natural wonders developed over thousands of years; it has taken less than a decade to put it all on life support.
The French Method: How Africa’s Old Colonial Nemesis Fights Terrorism in the Sahara
Oct 23, 2013 Few Americans outside the Pentagon have been watching Mali, where a midsummer election marked the end of a painful year of civil war and incendiary Islamic radicalism.
The ‘B’ Word: Republicans Fan the Flames of Ageism
Jul 10, 2013 With millennials up for grabs and Democratic front-runners getting older, boomer bashing is all the rage in politics.
Real American Boy: How Our Byzantine Immigration System and Failed Economy May Have Made a Terrorist
May 21, 2013 It's likely Tamerlan Tsarnaev was just another angry young man in our brave new America, a burgeoning dystopia where mass murder suddenly seems like a weekly occurrence.
‘Zero Dark Thirty’: Kathryn Bigelow Shows Us the Things We Carried
Jan 12, 2013 When "Zero Dark Thirty" opens nationally Friday, many moviegoers will already have made up their minds.
The Season of Our Disillusionment
Dec 25, 2012 During the December holidays I feel the urge to watch old black and white movies, preferably those starring Jimmy Stewart. This year, "It's a Wonderful Life" is too painful, a reminder of what we used to be but aren't anymore.
Reports of Publishing’s Death Are Exaggerated
Dec 8, 2012 Some people think the book business in on its last legs. But others think it isn't a business at all.
Blue Man Coup, Part 2: War for God, Country and Cocaine
May 17, 2012 Are the emirs of the Sahara criminals or revolutionaries? A little bit of both, probably.
Blue Man Coup: How Gadhafi’s Mercenaries Broke Mali
May 16, 2012 Everything that rises must converge, and in 2012, an uprising at the ancient crossroads of Timbuktu kicked up a decades-in-the-making sandstorm of global capitalism, US counterterrorism, cocaine smuggling and the long-denied rights of the most romantic nomads on earthAn uprising at the ancient crossroads of Timbuktu has kicked up a decades-in-the-making sandstorm of global capitalism, U counterterrorism, and the long-denied rights of the most romantic nomads on earth.