
Obama Throws Support to Chicago Sit-In

Dec 8, 2008
President-elect Barack Obama has added his voice to the chorus of encouragement for a group of Chicago workers who are sitting-in at their former factory. Obama said the workers, who have protested their way into the national spotlight, were "absolutely right" and "what's happening to them is reflective of what's happening across this economy."

A Dark November for Jobs

Dec 5, 2008
The news continues to get worse after the government finally put the "official" stamp on the current recession. The Labor Department has announced that 533,000 jobs were lost in November, the biggest monthly cut in 34 years -- with analysts fearing that the 11-month trend of increasing job losses will deepen even further.
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Economy Trumps Race in Ohio

Oct 15, 2008
From the Southern California suburbs to Ohio's Appalachia, places that have not been especially friendly to African-American candidates, Sen. Barack Obama seems to be convincing a substantial number of whites that their votes should be determined by their economic troubles rather than race.

Obama’s New Deal

Oct 14, 2008
Barack Obama unveiled his $60-billion economic rescue plan on Monday and urged Washington not to wait for a new president to take up his proposals. The Obama plan includes tax breaks for companies that hire new workers, a short moratorium on foreclosures and, with an eye on job creation, federal financing for public works and infrastructure projects.

The Second Insurgency

Aug 19, 2008
Many Iraqis struggle every day to find work, but a shortage of jobs, superimposed on a tradition of using personal connections to do business, has led to what Iraqis complain is an explosion in corruption and graft among their nation's officials.

2 Million South Africans on Strike

Aug 6, 2008
A national strike left South Africa's streets largely deserted Wednesday as 2 million people refused to work in protest of soaring food and fuel prices. The action, led by a coalition of trade unions, was symbolic and precautionary, suggesting additional strikes if the government and business remained inept at managing the national economy.