
Lieberman Looms Large in Senate Health Debate

Dec 14, 2009
If it didn't look like Senate Democrats were going to face some serious obstacles in passing health care reform legislation, Sen. Joe Lieberman is poised and ready to remind them, as he proved this past weekend with his ongoing rumblings to the press about joining the apparently inevitable Republican filibuster. Sen. Harry Reid and his cohort have their work cut out for them.

Time for Our Second Bill of Rights

Dec 2, 2009
In his powerful new book, “The Healing of America,” T.R. Reid asks, “Which inequalities will society tolerate? Is it acceptable that some people are left to die because they can’t see a doctor when they get sick? That question encompasses a more basic question: Is health care a human right?” It will be a historic moment when the federal government begins to accept responsibility for all Americans’ health.
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Lieberman Won’t Budge on Health Care

Nov 24, 2009
Sen Joseph Lieberman says he will never let any form of public option -- opt-out, trigger or otherwise -- through the Senate, citing budget concerns This -- despite CBO estimates showing the health reform bill reducing the deficit over 10 years -- from a senator who has thrown billions at boondoggles (continued).

Reid Readies for Health Care Rumble

Nov 19, 2009
With the threat of a Republican-led filibuster looming large, Majority Leader Harry Reid is faced with the unenviable task of ushering the Senate's version of the health care reform bill through his congressional chamber. On Wednesday, Reid started his woo-a-thon with an only slightly easier audience: moderate Democrats.

‘Daily Show’: The Men Who Stare at Votes

Nov 11, 2009
We all saw the shenanigans that transpired outside the Capitol during last Thursday's wingnut clusterf "House Call" health care rally organized by the certifiable Rep Michele Bachmann, but the freak show from the inner chambers of Congress was even better in the final lead-up to Saturday's House vote on health care reform legislation.

Lieberman Twists the Knife

Oct 28, 2009
Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman? The Connecticut senator declared Tuesday that he would support a filibuster of any health care reform bill that has a public option -- even the version with the “trigger” compromise accepted by Republican Sen. Olympia Snowe -- because it might cost money. Is there a more hypocritical figure in American politics than Joe Lieberman?

Top GOP Senator Threatens High Court Filibuster

May 25, 2009
President Obama has said he wants to nominate someone to the Supreme Court capable of "understanding and identifying with people's hopes and struggles." That's just too much for Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl, who has threatened to filibuster if Obama appoints anyone more empathetic than your garden variety liberal.

Pro-Union Bill in Trouble

Mar 25, 2009
Sen. Arlen Specter gave the proposed Employee Free Choice Act the shaft Tuesday, severely wounding legislation that would make forming unions significantly easier. Labor leaders were depending on support from moderates such as Specter, but, facing a primary challenge, the Pennsylvania Republican chickened out.