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Dream Act Is Dead for This Year

Dec 19, 2010
The U.S. Senate has failed us again. On a 55-41 vote, the proposed Dream Act, an immigration reform measure aimed at paving the way to citizenship for undocumented students who attend college, has effectively been killed for this year.

Sen. Bunning Stalls Jobless Benefits Bill

Feb 27, 2010
Sen. Jim Bunning was not a popular man among his Democratic colleagues this week. The Kentucky Republican, apparently so concerned about the federal budget deficit that he thought it unwise to allow the passage of legislation extending unemployment and health care help to jobless Americans, enacted a "one-man filibuster," as the Los Angeles Times put it, and didn't budge on Friday.

Dodd Confirms Retirement Rumors

Jan 7, 2010
Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd announced Wednesday that he won't seek re-election this November, making him the third high-profile Democrat to talk retirement in just one 24-hour news cycle. Despite Democrats' worries about the 2010 elections, Dodd's potential replacement from his party may have a fighting chance to score his Senate seat.