President Obama has said he wants to nominate someone to the Supreme Court capable of “understanding and identifying with people’s hopes and struggles.” That’s just too much for Senate Republican Whip Jon Kyl, who has threatened to filibuster if Obama appoints anyone more empathetic than your garden variety liberal.

AP via Google:

Obama also has said he wants someone who employs empathy, “understanding and identifying with people’s hopes and struggles,” when arriving at decisions that could influence the nation for decades.

That approach drew a rebuke Sunday from Kyl, who in January told the conservative Federalist Society that he reserved the right to filibuster.

“I went on to say a lot of things about what I meant by that, and I was distinguishing between a person who is just liberal — and undoubtedly this nominee will be liberal — and one who decides cases not based upon the law or the merits but, rather, upon his or her emotions, or feelings or preconceived ideas. That would be a circumstance in which I could not support the nominee,” Kyl said.

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