
Stevens Won’t Back Down

Oct 28, 2008
Even as his conviction has politicos rethinking Senate filibuster math, Ted Stevens of Alaska says he'll fight the verdict and continue campaigning for re-election. It's not all bad news for the longest serving Senate Republican -- and you really can't make this up -- the Senate doesn't ban convicted felons.
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Dodd to the Rescue

Dec 19, 2007
Sen. Chris Dodd just put his money where his mouth has been in the presidential campaign, filibustering a nasty bit of legislation the Senate tried to push through before the Christmas break. Here he tells MSNBC why giving retroactive immunity to the telecom companies for spying on Americans is a bad thing.

Dodd Gears Up for FISA Filibuster

Dec 18, 2007
Sen. Chris Dodd is preparing to take to the Senate floor with a filibuster to thwart the legislative advancement of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act if it doesn't include his proposed amendment, co-sponsored with Sen. Russ Feingold, that would prevent the Bush administration from retroactively letting big telecom companies off the hook for allowing the government to conduct warrantless surveillance on their networks.

Reid Promises to Force Filibuster on Iraq Withdrawal

Jul 17, 2007
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., has announced that Senate Democrats are going to force Republicans to filibuster all night long if they want to continue to block Iraq troop withdrawal legislation. Previously, the Democrats politely allowed the opposition's formal promise to filibuster to stand in for the action itself.

Save the (Republican) Senators

Jul 12, 2007
Iraq has, for years since our supposed victory, been in a spiral of death and political despair that the American military cannot stop Despite the daily reports of carnage, Republican senators pushed to stay the course Now with re-election campaigns underway, suddenly even Republicans are seeing the light kind of.

A Taste of Things to Come

Jan 10, 2007
President Bush has finally been forced to capitulate when it comes to the judiciary, after igniting a firestorm by announcing he would stand by the nominations of three conservative judges that had been blocked by Democrats. Bush conceded on Tuesday, announcing that all three nominees had withdrawn from the process.

No Deal on Immigration

Apr 7, 2006
The immigration bill, which seemed to have majority support, failed in the Senate Friday amid efforts to amend the bill. Harry Reid (D-Nev.) called the amendments proposed by conservative Republicans "filibuster by amendment." So much for the hyped bipartisan compromise on immigration reform.

Patriot Act Renewal Passes by Two Votes

Mar 8, 2006
The cliffhanger vote caught Republican leaders by surprise. The president is expected to sign the legislation into law before Friday. With the nation's attention trained squarely on the Dubai Ports fiasco (not that it's an unimportant issue), Congress has passed the most sweeping abridgement of American freedoms in a generation--with barely a peep from the public.