
Murdoch’s Money Misfortune

Aug 21, 2009
You know times are tough when even multimillionaire moguls are seeing their hard-earned compensation cut almost by half. Rupert Murdoch, the jowly head of News Corp., has taken a compensation cut of 40 percent because of weak earnings by his eccentric media empire.

Latin Leaders Rebuke U.S.

Dec 17, 2008
In a summit that celebrated the absence of the US on its guest list, Latin American leaders met in Brazil to discuss a post-U hegemonic world The talks, which centered on the "demise" of the capitalist model, also snubbed former colonizing nations Portugal and Spain in a further demonstration of the increasing political autonomy of the region.
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Cluster Bomb Treaty Steps Forward

Dec 3, 2008
It looks like a pact to ban current cluster bomb designs will take another step forward, with more than 100 countries slated to sign the treaty in the next couple of days. However, the U.S., Russia and China -- the largest cluster bomb manufacturers -- so far have refused to sign on.

U.S. Hegemony on the Outs

Nov 21, 2008
Maybe it was the past eight years, or maybe it was the past three months, but a new report by the U.S. intelligence community estimates that American global power is on the decline, and will be for the next two decades as upcoming powers like China and India gain greater international standing.

How Bloody Can Bush’s Legacy Be?

Nov 12, 2008
The legacy of George Bush's two "wars of liberation" may already be judged as foreign policy blunders, but the real costs of war remain even after the truism of failed empire In Afghanistan, acid attacks on at least 15 female students mark a worrisome trend in women's rights there And in Iraq, an Iraqi soldier opened fire on a patrol of US troops, killing two.

Georgia ? Stalin

Oct 1, 2008
With Georgia on the U.S. mainstream media's map after its recent war with Russia, a new interest in Georgian history and politics seems to have come to life, especially concerning the cult of personality that Stalin still leads in his native land.

Surviving the Fourth of July

Jul 7, 2008
I survive the degradation that has become America -- a land that exalts itself as a bastion of freedom and liberty while it tortures human beings, stripped of their rights, in offshore penal colonies, a land that wages wars defined under international law as criminal wars of aggression, a land that turns its back on its poor, its weak, its mentally ill, in a relentless drive to embrace totalitarian capitalism -- because I read books.

Boeing Gains Ally in Tanker Battle

Jun 18, 2008
Boeing has friends in high places, as evidenced by the congressional Government Accountability Office siding Wednesday with the US aviation giant in a protest against a multibillion-dollar refueling tanker contract that was awarded earlier this year to a U-Europe team .