
Wounds Heal in Red Cross Dispute

Jun 18, 2008
After coming to its public relations senses, medical firm Johnson & Johnson has decided it wouldn't be wise to proceed with a lawsuit against the Red Cross charity over a trademark agreement made in 1895. The initial case was brought by the firm after the Red Cross began to sell safety kits to fundraise for its many disaster-relief campaigns.

Fiat Chief on the Global Finance Crisis

Jun 17, 2008
The Italian-Canadian chief executive of Fiat, the leading Italian industrial enterprise, Sergio Marchionne, speaking about the present economic crisis last weekend, mentioned the well-known argument first made by the Austrian-American economist Joseph Schumpeter about the function of "creative destruction" in modern capitalism.
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Bush Vetoes Farm Bill

May 21, 2008
Without batting an ironic eye, President Bush has vetoed a $289-billion farm bill, claiming the legislation gives too much money to wealthy farmers. The bill includes steps to spur biofuel use and would expand nutrition programs to help poor Americans buy food. The Democratic Congress is expected to override the veto.

$10.9 Billion Ain’t What it Used to Be

May 1, 2008
Exxon Mobil made $10.9 billion last quarter, but investors were disappointed that the world's biggest oil company had only its second-biggest quarter ever. With a product that is harder and harder to find, shareholders who demand even bigger windfalls and consumers who are about ready to revolt, you almost have to feel sorry for the oil companies. No, you really don't.

World Is Flat and Full of Meringue

Apr 25, 2008
Thomas Friedman, global capitalist and semantically inept columnist for The New York Times, was gastronomically assaulted by pie-throwers at Brown University on Earth Day this week. At issue was Friedman's laissez-faire attitude toward solving global environmental issues, which protesters felt was structurally inadequate and ultimately regressive.

U.S. Builds Wall in Sadr City

Apr 18, 2008
Sadr City, the Baghdad neighborhood turned refuge for Iraqi insurgents, is getting a infrastructural makeover this week as workers begin building a wall to isolate the area from the rest of the capital city US forces say the construction is a security measure to stem anti-U and anti-coalition activity.

G-7, IMF and World Bank Leaders to Meet

Apr 11, 2008
Following the string of economic crises across the globe, financial elites are planning to meet in Washington this weekend to address how to resolve the problems of global capitalism. Notably missing from the proceedings is any representative from the developing world.

On Secular Fundamentalism

Apr 7, 2008
The battle under way in America is not a battle between religion and science. It is a battle between religious and secular fundamentalists. It is a battle between two groups intoxicated with the utopian and magical belief that humankind can perfect itself and master its destiny.