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Year of the Queer: Hollywood and Homosexuality

Feb 27, 2006
Truthdig's Larry Gross, a pioneer in the field of gay studies, argues that for all the hoopla surrounding "Brokeback Mountain" and this year's spate of gay-themed films, there is little about them that upends Hollywood conventions or challenges popular ideas about homosexuality. "Hollywood and much of the media may be awash in liberal self-congratulation," Gross writes, "but they--and we--are also soaking in the familiar hypocrisy of homophobia." Update: Down to the WireGross argues that for all the hoopla surrounding "Brokeback Mountain" and this year's spate of gay-themed films, there is little about them that upends Hollywood conventions or challenges popular ideas about homosexuality.

In Google, Yahoo, Should We Trust?

Feb 15, 2006
For years, we've been supplying the oracles of Google and Yahoo with the most intimate details our personal health, political leanings, and secret obsessions. The government is already combing through Internet archives.Mark Malseed, co-author of the international bestseller "The Google Story," argues that it's time we started asking better questions about our queries. For years, we've been supplying the oracles of Google and Yahoo with the most intimate details our personal health, political leanings, and secret obsessions. It's time we started asking better questions about our queries.
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Andrew Sullivan on the Cartoon Furor

Feb 8, 2006
Sullivan, whose NY Times Magazine essay on the connection between Islam and 9/11 was perhaps the best ever mainstream treatment on the subject, now takes on the Islamic cartoon controversy | essayAlso, a German journalist talks about his mixed feelings about running the cartoons in his paperwashingtonpostcom/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/02/06/AR2006020601258html?referrer=emailarticle" title="Op-ed">Op-Ed .

The More Things Change…

Feb 8, 2006
In 1983, Ed Asner, then president of the Screen Actors Guild, spoke to the Golden Gate Business Association, a gay and lesbian business and professional organization Asked about his advice to gay and lesbian folk not to come out of the closet in the entertainment industry, Asner replied, "Out of my own gut instinct, I [do] not consider this wise I know that within the gay acting community itself, many of the agents who are aware of the conflict, the bind, the grief that occurs with actors who cannot proclaim their sexual preference, [know] there's a lot of suffering and a desire to be open about it And these agents and actors support me to a very large extent in advising non-publicization"

President Jonah, Meet Oliver Cromwell!

Feb 8, 2006
Building on his "President Jonah" theme, Gore Vidal offers another angle on Bush's presidency, illuminated by the recent spate of wildfires in Southern California.Updated: Internationally-acclaimed man of letters Gore Vidal issues a new conclusion to his essay about the corruption of the Bush administration: "This is what we call dictatorship. Dictatorship. Dictatorship. And it is time we objected."