
Australia Sorry for Abuse of Castoff Kids

Nov 16, 2009
In the decades after World War II, some 10,000 British children were separated from their families and exiled to Australia, where many were physically and sexually abused and some were put to work in what were effectively child labor camps Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd (continued).

Celebrating Slaughter: War and Collective Amnesia

Oct 5, 2009
War memorials and museums are temples to the god of war. They sanitize the savage instruments of death that turn young soldiers and Marines into killers, and small villages in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq into hellish bonfires.War memorials and museums sanitize the savage instruments of death that turn young soldiers into killers, and small villages in Vietnam or Afghanistan or Iraq into hellish bonfires.
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World War II: 70 Years and We’re Still Fighting

Sep 1, 2009
The Germans invaded Poland on this day 70 years ago, and so began what many consider the greatest conflict in human history An estimated 60 million people would die, including 27 million Soviets and 12 million Jews, Gypsies, gays and other victims of the Nazi holocaust Most of the dead were civiliansSeventy years ago today the Germans invaded Poland, and the rest is history.

Hiroshima Day: America Has Been Asleep at the Wheel for 64 Years

Aug 6, 2009
Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame writes that “official secrecy and deceptions about our nuclear weapons posture and policies and their possible consequences have threatened the survival of the human species.”Daniel Ellsberg writes that deceptions about our nuclear weapons have "threatened the survival of the human species.”

America Has No Obligation to Save the World

Jul 15, 2008
When it comes to American foreign policy, could it be that less is more? Raja Mohan of Singapore's Nanyang Tech University thinks so, arguing for a "policy of restraint" on the part of a United States that has reached the limits of its ambitious post-WWII superpower strategy on the world stage.