
College Football: The Game Is Big Business

Sep 3, 2016
UCLA signed a 12-year, $280 million deal with sports apparel company Under Armour before the season began. It is the most lucrative apparel contract in sports history, but in the competitive world of endorsement deals, don’t expect the Bruins (head coach Jim Mora, pictured) to stay No. 1 for long.

Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz Win in Wisconsin

Apr 6, 2016
Just a few weeks ago, many mainstream pundits were prematurely calling the contest for the Democratic and Republican presidential nominations in favor of Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump, respectively. On Tuesday night, Bernie Sanders' and Ted Cruz's significant wins in the Wisconsin primary showed that the races are far from over.
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The Mirage of Justice

Jan 18, 2016
There seldom are trials for the poor. Instead, under threat of draconian sentences, they are forced to accept plea bargains. The system is a sham set up for elites with godlike powers who seek to advance themselves and their agendas at the expense of the downtrodden.