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Swiss Cheese Sanctions

Dec 25, 2010
Like a piece of Swiss cheese, U.S. sanction policy is riddled with holes, according to reports. A former Treasury official claims licenses to trade with blacklisted countries such as Iran have been doled out to the tune of billions of dollars in profits, all at the behest of lobbying groups.

Fail and Grow Rich on Wall Street

Nov 24, 2010
Welcome to the brave new world of post-bailout capitalism. The Commerce Department announced Tuesday that corporate profits are at their highest level in U.S. history, and the Fed released minutes of an early November meeting in which officials predicted a stagnant economy and continued high unemployment. Welcome to the brave new world of post-bailout capitalism.

Campaign Violations Catch Up to Biden

Jul 18, 2010
Joe Biden's verbal gaffes are numerous, and so are his campaign violations. The 2008 Biden for President campaign committee owes the Treasury Department more than $219,000 for accepting excessive contributions and other infractions in his bid for the Democratic nomination.

Don’t Count on Us

Jun 5, 2010
In the face of the stereotypical image of Americans as free-spending consumers, Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner has told his international finance colleagues that G20 countries should not rely on American buyers for their products as they travel the road to economy recovery.