south africa

The Pied Piper of Zion

Jan 30, 2016
The Israeli Peace Camp is in despair. No savior is in sight. Many just sit in front of their TV set and wring their hands.
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The American Empire: Murder Inc.

Jan 4, 2016
Investigative journalist Allan Nairn knows firsthand how the U.S. uses mass killing as a routine tool of foreign policy. The horrifying tactics of Islamic State, he says, are an imitation of what we have been doing and what we have been teaching our international proxies for generations. Update: Video added.

Truthdigger of the Week: Danny Schechter

Mar 25, 2015
In a lifetime of media activism, the late journalist and human rights activist Danny Schechter was best known for his advocacy of public media and his work to inform the world of life under South Africa's apartheid regime.The late journalist and activist Danny Schechter was known for his advocacy of public media and his work to shine a spotlight on South African apartheid.