
Kidnapped Colombian Governor Found Dead

Dec 23, 2009
Colombian officials were blaming the rebel organization FARC, or Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, for the death of Luis Francisco Cuellar, governor of the country's southern province of Caquetá, on Wednesday. Cuellar had been kidnapped Monday night and was found less than a day later with his throat slit.

Colombian Guerrillas Unite

Dec 17, 2009
Despite profound ideological differences and a long history of fighting between the groups, the two largest Colombian guerrilla armies, the ELN and the FARC, have forged a pact to fight the country's security forces.
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Reformists Allegedly Tortured in Iran

Jun 26, 2009
Several reformists currently jailed in Iran are alleged to have been tortured as the government tried to obtain videotaped "confessions" of a foreign plot against the government. Such "confessions" would paint politicians like presidential candidate Mir Hossein Mousavi as agents of the West.

U.N. Warns of Sri Lankan War Crimes

Mar 13, 2009
After an estimated 10,000 civilian deaths or injuries in only two months, the U.N. has called on the Sri Lankan government and the Tamil Tiger rebels to immediately suspend fighting, suggesting that actions by both parties may constitute violations of international human rights law.

Sri Lanka’s Civil War Takes a Toll

Feb 13, 2009
The toll in the recent spate of clashes in the decades-long battle between Tamil Tiger rebels and the Sri Lankan government has been officially estimated: 40 civilians are being killed every day, with more than 100 wounded, as artillery shells and gun battles between the two sides devastate the Sri Lankan northeast.

Sudanese Airliner Hijacked in Darfur

Aug 27, 2008
Three former rebels linked to the Sudanese Liberation Movement hijacked a commercial Boeing 737 airliner carrying 95 passengers soon after the Sun Air flight left Nyala in Darfur, Sudan, on Tuesday. The plane first tried to stop in Cairo but was denied clearance before going on to land in Libya, according to the BBC.

Georgia and Russia Get Their War On

Aug 8, 2008
Georgia bombed separatists in the country's South Ossetia region Tuesday evening, killing 25; Russia rolled an estimated 150 tanks into Georgia in retaliation, ostensibly to defend the region's high Russian immigrant population. Georgia pleads its case as a "freedom-loving" nation to garner U.S. support; any semblance of logic retreats.

Colombian Army Reports FARC Leader Dead

May 25, 2008
The demise of Manuel "Sureshot" Marulanda has been rumored many times before, but this time the Colombian army has announced that the long-time leader of the rebel group FARC is dead and has challenged FARC to disprove the report. Sources close to Marulanda have yet to confirm the news.

Turkish Army Enters Iraq

Feb 22, 2008
After bombarding the area with airplanes and artillery, Turkish forces entered northern Iraq, ostensibly in search of Kurdish rebels. It isn't the first time Turkey has crossed the border, but one source described the force as much bigger -- roughly 10,000 men -- than previous incursions. A U.S. military spokesman in Baghdad, however, said he believed only a few hundred Turkish troops were involved in the operation.