
Who Won Iraq?

Jun 19, 2014
Bush and his top officials remade reality in Iraq on an almost unimaginable scale and, as we study the region today, the results bear no relation to the world they imagined creating. On the other hand, there were two dreams they had that, after a fashion, did come into existence.
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Art Has Lost Its Meaning

Jan 11, 2013
Whether it is pretentious conceptual academic art, or vapid expressions of serenity that serve only to fulfill your apartment's feng shui, Robert Shetterly says that most art today has been tainted by unfettered capitalism, which values consumer interests over truth. Whether it is conceptual academic art or vapid expressions of serenity that fulfill your apartment's feng shui, Robert Shetterly says that most art today has been tainted by unfettered capitalism.

How OWS Toppled Itself

Dec 14, 2012
Postmodern confusion about how populist movements take hold and flourish caused Occupy Wall Street to “deconstruct” itself in a frenzied obsession with nonhierarchical structures, a disdain for demands, and other trappings of “lazy, reflexive libertarianism,” author and columnist Thomas Frank writes in The Baffler.

Israel’s Insatiable Zionism

Aug 21, 2011
Israel's Zionism turned capitalism is getting out of hand; Postmodernism is dead, leaving many to question what it was in the first place; meanwhile, the Americas are projected to replace the Middle East as the energy capital of the world. These discoveries and more after the jump.