Juan Cole / Informed CommentOct 18, 2017
The extremists were defeated by Muslims: That should be the headline. That is what Americans have trouble getting their heads around. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigApr 26, 2016
President Obama announced Monday morning in Hanover, Germany, that he will send another 250 U.S. troops into Syria, bringing the total to 300. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
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Juan Cole / TruthdigApr 12, 2016
GOP front-runner Donald Trump openly attributes his success at the polls to the terrorist attacks on Paris last fall, in which Islamic State was involved. But what if the group falls this summer or autumn? Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigFeb 22, 2016
This has been a war with a lot of seesawing, so it is premature to make any decisive pronouncements. But this is an election year, and if Islamic State is defeated in Syria in 2016, it could vindicate President Obama’s strategy. Dig deeper ( 4 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigDec 22, 2015
President Obama is clearly frustrated that conservative radio and cable television -- and even mainstream cable television -- have cooperated with the more belligerent GOP presidential candidates to project Islamic State as some sort of evil superpower and an existential threat to the United States. Dig deeper ( 5 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigDec 7, 2015
President Obama addressed the nation Sunday night, in an attempt to calm the public mood after the San Bernardino killers were tied to Islamic State -- though the connection seems to spring merely from common radicalism and murderousness rather than any organizational tie. Dig deeper ( 3 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigJul 7, 2015
After a briefing at the Pentagon on the fight against Islamic State (also known as Daesh), the president acknowledged Monday that the training of Iraqi troops has been going much slower than expected. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigMay 4, 2015
The bombing of civilians actually helps Islamic State's propaganda enormously. This policy in Syria needs reconsideration. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
Natasha Hakimi Zapata / TruthdigFeb 24, 2015
No matter what President Obama says about the Islamic State group, Fox News and conservative politicians continue to misrepresent him. Thankfully, Jon Stewart and his staff at "The Daily Show" have come up with a way to address the problem. Dig deeper ( 1 Min. Read )
Juan Cole / TruthdigNov 13, 2014
In an age of weasel words and Orwellian diction, it would be refreshing to hear Mr. Obama call the recent escalation in Iraq what it is. Dig deeper ( 2 Min. Read )
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