naomi klein

‘Our Brand Is Crisis’ Film Review: A Half-Baked Hollywood Version of a Great Documentary

Oct 30, 2015
David Gordon Green's star-studded film is a middling comedy about the humdrum conflicts between American meddlers in Bolivia's 2002 election Meanwhile, the Bolivians in it are as invisible as most of the slaves in "Gone With the Wind"David Gordon Green's star-studded film is a middling comedy about the internecine conflicts between American meddlers in Bolivia's 2002 election".
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VIDEO: Naomi Klein and Avi Lewis Discuss Their New Film, ‘This Changes Everything’

Oct 2, 2015
Inspired by journalist Naomi Klein’s best-selling book, "This Changes Everything," a new documentary of the same name re-imagines the vast challenge of climate change. The film, which opens Friday, profiles communities on the front lines of the climate justice movement—from Montana’s Powder River Basin to the Alberta tar sands, from the coast of South India to Beijing and beyond.