
You Just Ate a Clone, Guv

Aug 4, 2010
Meat from a bull descended from a cloned cow entered the British food supply, a government regulator said, and "will have been eaten." Sale of the meat was apparently in violation of European law as the Food Standards Agency has not yet decided whether meat derived from cloning is kosher, so to speak.
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Lab-Grown Pig Even Vegetarians Can Eat

Dec 1, 2009
Dutch scientists are doing their bit to address the food crisis, the climate crisis and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals by growing pork meat from muscle cells harvested from a live pig. Their hope is to turn the cells from one animal into the meat from a million without killing any. (continued)

Global Warming? It’s What’s for Dinner

Sep 10, 2008
Rajendra Pachauri, head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, suggested Monday that a decrease in individual meat consumption could provide the most immediate and feasible strategy for reducing the effects of global warming. In fact, only 13 percent of global greenhouse emissions come from transportation (planes, trains and automobiles), while a whopping 18 percent of the emissions come from the planet's livestock industry.

Meaty Danger Strikes Whole Foods

Aug 12, 2008
Whole Foods customers expect more for their money, but shoppers in two states got more than they bargained for when they came home with E. coli-tainted beef. The granola-chic grocer has since taken steps to restore faith in the chain and its preposterous prices.

Chicken or the Egg?

May 2, 2008
Tyson Foods was ordered by a judge Thursday to cease a false multimillion-dollar ad campaign promoting its claim that its chickens are "raised without antibiotics." The key question centers on the word raised and whether the egg stage can be considered to be outside the process of raising chickens.

Huge Recall of Beef Is Linked to Schools

Feb 18, 2008
The Department of Agriculture has ordered the largest ever beef recall in the US, deeming 143 million pounds of beef unfit for human consumption because of inspection violations The plant responsible for the suspect meat happens to call the U government, including the National School Lunch Program, one of its best customers.

Cloned Food to Go Unmarked

Dec 28, 2006
The Food and Drug Administration is set to approve food products derived from cloned animals and their offspring. Though eating beef from a cloned cow may seem incredibly creepy, the FDA has decided the manufactured twin is just as safe as the original animal, and requires no special identification once in the food supply.