john maynard keynes

Krugman: Austerity Still Doesn’t Work

Dec 31, 2011
Is anyone in the Obama administration listening to Paul Krugman? Maybe, says the Nobel Prize-winning economist, but only at the end of a year in which political insistence on the need to reduce short-term deficits with spending cuts slid the economy and much of the American public further into ruin.Economist Paul Krugman takes an accounting at the end of a year in which political focus on short-term deficits slid the economy and much of the American public further into ruin.

Labor Lawyer: Look to Keynes to Fix Economy

Oct 26, 2011
Wall Street’s occupiers are asking the big questions about the U.S. economy. What can we do to create jobs, eliminate poverty and free the nation from the grip of debt? American labor lawyer Thomas Geoghegan points to early 20th-century economist John Maynard Keynes for some clues. (more)
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Obfuscating Unemployment

Jan 27, 2011
During the Great Depression, high rates of unemployment prevailed for 11 years The experience of seeing a free market system drive itself into a rut that it cannot pull itself out of is nothing new And we have long known the solutionThe experience of seeing a free market system drive itself into a rut that it cannot pull itself out of is nothing new.

Unemployment at a Four-Year High

Aug 1, 2008
A government report released Friday signals worsening economic tides as the U.S. tries to navigate through its highest level of unemployment in four years. The seven-month-long trend of net job losses is likely to persist, with few signs of a turnaround on the horizon.