joe biden

When Democrats Demand War

Sep 23, 2012
Journalist Michael Tracey was disheartened on the final night of the Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, N.C., where an arena full of liberals joined Vice President Joe Biden in cheering the extralegal killing of Osama bin Laden. Tracey sought the counsel of New York Times columnist David Brooks, the Rev. Jesse Jackson and Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Barney Frank.Journalist Michael Tracey sought counsel from the Rev. Jesse Jackson, columnist David Brooks and Reps. Dennis Kucinich and Barney Frank after an arena full of liberals joined Vice President Joe Biden in cheering the extralegal killing of Osama bin Laden.
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Dems Cheer Obama’s Whistle-Blower Persecutions

Sep 6, 2012
Glenn Greenwald sees through the carnival of establishmentarian pieties on display at the Democratic National Convention this week: “Excuse me if I don't join in Democrats' sycophantic cheerleading for an Obama presidency that has shredded laws and liberties,” he writes at The Guardian.“Excuse me if I don't join in Democrats' sycophantic cheerleading for an Obama presidency that has shredded laws and liberties,” Glenn Greenwald writes at The Guardian.

How You Personally Could Get Screwed by Paul Ryan

Aug 14, 2012
Are you poor? Female? A student? A veteran? Planning on growing old? Zach Woods of "The Office"? Well, congratulations! If Mitt Romney is elected president, then you're definitely going to get screwed by his running mate Paul Ryan! Click below to find out how. There's a number of ways Paul Ryan's agenda will screw over different groups.