joe biden

Biden One-Ups Bush

Sep 26, 2007
It's not just Bushie loyalists and Republicans who are gunning for more money to be poured (out of taxpayers' pockets) into the Iraq war chest. Take Sen. Joe Biden (D-Del.), who is aiming to double Bush's proposed $12 billion in funding for the rapid production of mine resistant ambush protected (MRAP) vehicles -- a proposition which, Scheer argues, is about much more than the security of U.S. troops.
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The Dude’s A-Biden

Feb 1, 2007
Presidential hopeful Sen. Joe Biden took the hot seat at "The Daily Show" to discuss the explosive comments he made about Hillary, Obama and Edwards in a recent New York Observer interview.

Biden Enters the Race with a Gaffe

Feb 1, 2007
Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., announced his presidential candidacy Wednesday, but he got more attention for a racially charged comment about competitor Barack Obama, calling him "the first mainstream African American [presidential candidate] who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy."

Senate Nears Vote on Escalation

Jan 25, 2007
The Senate Foreign Relations Committee has passed a nonbinding resolution condemning the escalation of the war. While Vice President Dick Cheney is absolutely right when he says "It won't stop us," the measure will at least force lawmakers to take a stand on the issue until tougher legislation can be passed.