
Racializing Abortion in Georgia

Feb 27, 2010
A Georgia anti-choice group has a "choice" strategy to cater to African-Americans in an effort to diversify its majority-white membership: launch a public outreach campaign that argues that abortion is a decades-old conspiracy to kill off black people.

Chuck Norris, Conspiracy Theorist

Jan 13, 2010
What are the true patriots of the U.S. of A. to do when a bona fide Muslim-sympathizing, Constitution-shredding president signs a mysterious and probably anti-American "executive order" granting sinister "privileges, exemptions and immunities" to the France-based International Police Organization -- aka Interpol? Enter Chuck Norris, onetime "Texas Ranger," martial arts movie star and amateur conspiracy theorist, stage right.
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Time for a Second Revolution?

Jul 9, 2009
Hold on to your latte, there are some seriously pissed-off white Americans out there who are not happy with the way things are going -- and they're armed. Truthdig's Chris Hedges leads this tour of "Americana: The 2nd Revolutionary War."

Jacob Heilbrunn on Alger Hiss

Mar 20, 2009
Susan Jacoby’s lucid new book reminds us that the Hiss case offered a vengeful postwar right a golden opportunity to tar the New Deal as a crypto-communist conspiracy -- and why it still matters.

We Told You So

Dec 12, 2008
With the release of three new reports, there’s no debate anymore about who was correct and who wasn’t concerning the economic collapse and the Wall Street bailout. The studies prove that progressive critics were right and the Washington ideologues and the pundits were wrong.

Military Court Finds Osama’s Driver Guilty

Aug 6, 2008
Osama bin Laden's alleged driver, Salim Ahmed Hamdan, was convicted Wednesday by a military court on five counts of supporting terrorism. The decision was largely symbolic, since the U.S. had reserved the right, regardless of guilt or innocence, to detain Hamdan indefinitely. The ACLU called the verdict a "monumental debacle."