
There’s a Republican Under My Bed

Feb 12, 2008
It is insane to waste time and energy worrying that somewhere, doubtless in a high-tech subterranean lair, Republican masterminds are cackling over their diabolical plot: The use of reverse psychology to lure unsuspecting Democrats into nominating Barack Obama, an innocent lamb who will be chewed up by the attack machine in the fall. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!
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Keith Olbermann on Torture and Conspiracy

Nov 7, 2007
In another of his stirring commentaries, the "Countdown" host suggests that the story of Daniel Levin, who was fired from the Justice Department after he experienced waterboarding and called it torture, reveals that "the presidency of George W. Bush has now devolved into a criminal conspiracy to cover the ass of George W. Bush."

Chomsky Disputes 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

Oct 30, 2007
Probably fielding this type of question for the millionth time, Noam Chomsky explains in this video clip, apparently taken from an overseas panel discussion, why he doesn't believe that the terrorist attacks on 9/11 were an inside job. "Did the Bush administration gain from Sept. 11th? Answer: Yes. Does that tell you anything? No," Chomsky opined.

Bill Clinton Stands Up to 9/11 Conspiracy Buffs

Oct 27, 2007
Fresh on the heels of last week's "Real Time" confrontation between Bill Maher and 9/11 conspiracy enthusiasts, former President Bill Clinton found himself in a similar situation, albeit with more effective security. Clinton showed little patience for the protesters: "An inside job? How dare you? How dare you?"

Bill Maher vs. ‘9/11 Truthers’

Oct 22, 2007
The "Real Time" host became so frustrated with a couple of "9/11 Truthers" who infiltrated his audience Friday that he left the stage to personally oversee their expulsion. The fracas was so entertaining that HBO aired the entire incident on the West Coast feed, which could have easily been edited.

Here We Go Again

Oct 8, 2007
A sprig of bougainvillea prompts Robert Fisk to recall the bad old days of the Cold War and, in light of our overblown global war on terror, the curious and often fruitless tendency of governments to create monsters.

Ron Paul on Dems, Immigration, 9/11 Conspiracies

Oct 5, 2007
And now, some news from the right side of the aisle: Presidential hopeful Ron Paul chatted with conservative talk show host Steve Gill about his recent fundraising success, domestic and foreign policy issues, and 9/11 and its aftermath, blasting the neocons for using the Sept. 11 attacks to advance their agenda: "If the mafia attacks someone in this country, we don't bomb Italy," Paul said.

9/11 Model Backs Up Tower Collapse Theory

Jun 20, 2007
A two-year study of the World Trade Center Towers' collapse by Purdue University has reaffirmed the findings of the National Institute of Standards and Technology, which suggested that the buildings crashed under their own weight after crucial support columns and fireproofing were damaged or destroyed. The research team released an animation of the first plane's collision to show how heat and flame eventually brought the towers down.

The Great Bee Mystery

Apr 24, 2007
Whither the bees? An American bee-tracking group has noted an alarming drop in the nation's honeybee count, apparently due to their losing their inborn homing instincts and thus their way back to their hives. Conspiracy theories abound, according to The New York Times, including one claiming that what's going on here is actually "the rapture of the bees."