climate change

Hurricane Season: The Readiness Is All

Jun 12, 2007
Despite the lessons of Katrina, the U.S. is still incredibly vulnerable this hurricane season and looking toward a future -- and still lacking in vision -- that could spell serious trouble for previously pummeled targets like New Orleans, as well as some unexpected areas of the country.

Conservative Wins French Election

May 7, 2007
Socialist candidate Segolene Royal has conceded to conservative Nicolas Sarkozy, the next president of France. In his acceptance speech, Sarkozy promised to unite a divided nation and urged Washington to address climate change more aggressively.

UK Forces Climate Talks at U.N.

Apr 18, 2007
Over the objections of other members, the UK has brought the climate change debate to the UN Security Council Russia, China and Pakistan said it was the wrong venue for the issue, but U Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and British Foreign Secretary Margaret Beckett pointed out that rising sea levels, mass migration and economic catastrophe would almost certainly impact global security.
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Climate Crisis Threatens Billions

Apr 7, 2007
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has warned that the climate crisis could afflict billions of people, especially the poor, with food and water shortages, drought and flooding. "For the first time, we are no longer arm-waving with models; this is empirical data," explained one of the panel's leading scientists.

And the Oscar Goes to … Al Gore

Feb 26, 2007
"An Inconvenient Truth" took home two Academy Awards on Sunday, one for best documentary and the other for Melissa Etheridge's "I Need to Wake Up" (best song). In case you missed it, here's a video summary of Al Gore's night at the Oscars.

Who Are You Calling a Gas Guzzler?

Feb 17, 2007
Although California has a reputation for smog-choked freeways and self-indulgent excess, the Golden State consumes less energy per capita than any other state in the union. What's the secret? A combination of tough regulation and high prices.

Global Climate Pact Wins Approval

Feb 16, 2007
A British-led group of legislators from around the world has agreed to a nonbinding declaration meant to lay the groundwork for a Kyoto Protocol replacement. While the statement will have no enforceability, organizers hope the agreement will spur momentum after U.N. talks stalled in November.

Bad News From Global Warming Experts

Feb 1, 2007
The most authoritative climate change panel, with 2,500 scientists from 130 countries, is expected to project the biggest change in average temperatures in thousands of years. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change believes that even if governments manage to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, oceans will continue to rise for at least 1,000 years.

Doomsday Clock Nears Midnight

Jan 18, 2007
On Wednesday the "doomsday clock" ticked two minutes closer to midnight as the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists assessed threats from nuclear proliferation and global warming. Meant to signify humanity's proximity to a major global catastrophe, the clock is currently set to 11:55 p.m.