Sixty Years After JFK’s Assassination, Oliver Stone Reflects
Nov 21, 2023 The director of “JFK” on the Kennedy cover-up, why he was killed, and what the country—and the world—suffered as a result.2024 National Arts & Entertainment Journalism Award: Second Place, Personality Profile, Film Personalities, Online

The Creeper Intelligence Agency
Aug 25, 2023 Reports of rampant sexual abuse pile up at Langley headquarters.
After the Coup: An Interview With Peter Kornbluh, Part II
Jul 11, 2023 How Kissinger and the CIA bolstered the regime of Augusto Pinochet for years—until they couldn’t.
Kissinger and the CIA in Chile: An Interview With Peter Kornbluh, Part I
Jul 6, 2023 A comprehensive review of the U.S. role in the 1973 coup of Salvador Allende and its aftermath.
Trump’s Afghanistan Deal Has Nothing to Do With Peace
Mar 5, 2020 A closer look at the Trump administration's agreement with the Taliban reveals all the president's concerned with is bragging rights.
Chris Hedges: Assange’s Trial Echoes Stalinist Tactics
Mar 2, 2020 In a new episode of "On Contact," the Truthdig columnist argues that Britain and the U.S. are "mocking the very concept of the rule of law."
They Came First for Assange
Feb 28, 2020 The U.S. government has labeled a journalist and publisher an "enemy of the people." Anyone familiar with history knows how this story ends.
U.S. Intelligence Is Intervening in the 2020 Election
Feb 25, 2020 Officials are now leaking that Russia is trying to boost Bernie Sanders' campaign. Their motivations couldn't be any more transparent.
The CIA’s Complicity in Recent Global Atrocities Revealed
Feb 21, 2020 Intelligence expert William Binney discusses the revelation that a widely used encryption service has been in government hands for decades.
Intelligence Officials: Russia Is Boosting Trump Candidacy
Feb 21, 2020 Trump pushes back Friday, accusing Democrats of launching a disinformation campaign.