
The U.S. Military’s #MeToo Reckoning That Wasn’t
Feb 28, 2020 America has looked the other way amid a child-rape epidemic in Afghanistan. It's a scandal that speaks volumes about our imperial project.
They Came First for Assange
Feb 28, 2020 The U.S. government has labeled a journalist and publisher an "enemy of the people." Anyone familiar with history knows how this story ends.
What We’re Not Being Told About the War in Afghanistan
Feb 24, 2020 Nineteen years after the conflict first began, the Pentagon continues to deny the public vital information like casualty numbers and more.
Where Have You Gone, Smedley Butler?
Feb 21, 2020 A veteran of the "Banana Wars" from 1898 to 1931, the general famously called war a "racket." His vision is needed now more than ever.
America’s War on Dissent Began a Century Ago
Feb 20, 2020 The roots of the our ruling class' disdain for protest movements can be traced all the back to World War I. Part 2 of a two-part essay.
America and Israel Against the World
Feb 12, 2020 Donald Trump is attempting to buy Palestine’s unconditional surrender like he would a casino. As Americans, we should all be embarrassed.
America’s Newest Proxy Battle Could Spark World War 3
Feb 6, 2020 The Trump administration has put the U.S. on a collision course with Russia in Central Asia. It risks nothing less than a nuclear cataclysm.
The Ugly Jingoism Marring Trump’s Impeachment
Jan 27, 2020 In their zeal to convict the president of high crimes, Democrats refuse to even question our aggressive, reckless policy in Eastern Europe.
Violent Chaos Is Practically American Foreign Policy
Jan 23, 2020 When it comes to wreaking havoc in the Middle East, Donald Trump has more in common with his predecessors than many are willing to admit.
America’s Dangerous Inheritance From World War I
Jan 21, 2020 The U.S. war on the free press, free speech, and dissent more generally, are all rooted in the so-called "Good War."
America’s Lying Generals and the Lies They Tell
Jan 14, 2020 By supporting the president's worst misdeeds, our military leadership has disgraced its subordinates and the nation it claims to serve.
A Veterans Day Worth Celebrating
Nov 11, 2019 Vets have become a prop for our political establishment. If we want to honor their fight, we should celebrate a declaration of peace.
Syria’s Sunken Cost Fallacy: American Deaths Are Not a Reason to Stay
Jan 22, 2019 Attacks on the U.S. military in Syria do not justify perpetual war.
The Military Atrocities We Ignore While We Ring In the Holidays
Nov 28, 2018 Millions of American troops have spent countless festivities deployed in the Middle East—it’s worth asking what it’s all for.
We’re Headed Toward Perpetual Conflict and Cataclysmic War
Nov 21, 2018 American militarism has gone off the rails—and this middling career officer should have seen it coming.
Blowback From a Generation of American Folly
Oct 3, 2018 Let’s consider the last decades of American war-making in the context of insider attacks.
The Iran Threat Is Inflated and Regional War Would Be a Disaster
May 20, 2018 If President Trump strikes some sort of deal with nuclear North Korea, and then unleashes the U.S. and Israeli militaries on non-nuclear Iran, the results would be catastrophic.
Congress Offers a Bipartisan Blank Check to Trump for War
May 3, 2018 The president of the United States is a veritable autocrat in the realm of foreign policy.
The Hypocrisy of U.S. Strikes in Syria
Apr 26, 2018 Why does Donald Trump feel inclined to attack Bashar Assad's forces only in the case of chemical attacks rather than the more frequent conventional bombings?
Unconditional Love for Israel, Silence for Palestine
Apr 23, 2018 As Americans focus on everything Trumpian, Palestinians die (or are killed) as a matter of course in Gaza. And, once again, the U.S. is complicit.
Circle of Absurdity: Killing the Extremists We Create
Apr 11, 2018 The U.S., which remains mired in wars in the Greater Middle East, would do well to remember that today’s convenient friend is too often tomorrow’s sworn enemy.
The Dolls of Militarism: From War Hawks to Chicken Hawks
Apr 8, 2018 Donald Trump’s continual Cabinet reshuffling—otherwise the stuff of reality-TV drama—has become genuinely frightening.
Are We Who We Thought We Were?
Apr 5, 2018 Americans are led to believe they have been fighting for democracy and freedom these past 17 years, but the truth is far murkier.
The March We Need Is a March for Peace
Mar 30, 2018 Who is marching for less war in the Middle East?
The Price We Pay for Unnecessary War
Mar 24, 2018 Why does the citizenry act shocked when a disgruntled veteran commits a heinous act? Americans have sent millions of troopers to wage pointless wars.
The Unmitigated Failure of the Iraq War
Mar 22, 2018 After waging an ill-advised war of choice, the U.S. military remains ensnared in Greater Mesopotamia.
Mike Pompeo, a Statesman Opposed to Peace
Mar 17, 2018 Rex Tillerson was far from an ideal choice for secretary of state, but his anointed successor may ditch diplomacy altogether and start a war.
China and Russia Aren’t Nearly as Dangerous as We’re Meant To Believe
Mar 14, 2018 The new National Defense Strategy all but declares a new Cold War on Russia and China, but neither country has the power or malign intentions ascribed to it.
The Generals Are Failing Their Soldiers—and America
Mar 8, 2018 The U.S. military continues go big, go long, and go forever. To where, you ask? Nowhere fast.
Afghanistan: Mission Impossible
Mar 6, 2018 After 16 years of intervention, America has done all it can. More troops won’t "win" us anything
Buttering Up the Pentagon
Feb 20, 2018 The newly released National Defense Strategy offers a glimpse at how the Pentagon’s vision of future global policy manages to provide something for each of its services and their corporate backers.
Vietnam: The War That Never Ends for the U.S. Military High Command
Jan 30, 2018 The vast majority of senior American military officers are refighting the Vietnam War through the books they read, the scholarship they publish and the policies they continue to pursue in the Greater Middle East.
Three Administrations, One Standard Playbook
Dec 19, 2017 Like Barack Obama and George W. Bush, President Trump has opted for continuing, even escalating, America’s war for the Middle East.