Global Voices
Global Voices
Global Voices
Global Voices

In Pakistan, the Quest for Gender Equality Marches On
Apr 27, 2023 It's been 75 years since independence, and progress is still missing.
Pakistan’s Mental Health Crisis
Mar 1, 2023 Generational tensions, plus a series of national catastrophes, have brought many to a breaking point.
Karachi Dispatch: After the Deluge
Nov 1, 2022 In August and September, the southern Pakistani regions of Sindh and Balochistan received devastating floods.
After the War in Afghanistan
Mar 3, 2020 Many players hold the potential to ruin prospects for peace in the region, a scenario that could backfire for Donald Trump.
Pakistan Is Cleaning Up Trump’s Mideast Mess
Jan 24, 2020 From Iran to Afghanistan, Pakistan’s role in dialing back U.S.-created tensions has been vital—but it won’t be for free.
Trump Leaves Afghanistan and Pakistan at His Mercy
Sep 11, 2019 As efforts to end an 18-year conflict come to abrupt end, Islamabad is unable to forge its own path as it works to improve international relations.
Trump’s Ignorance Touches Off a New Crisis in Kashmir
Aug 15, 2019 Once again, his aversion to history has led to what could be a blunder of epic proportions.
Development With Dignity
May 24, 2019 Villagers in Pakistan show how aid projects can succeed when they, rather than government officials or donors, set the agenda and invest in the work.
The Taliban Is Ascendant as Afghanistan Hangs in the Balance
Mar 19, 2019 The effects of what happens now in Afghanistan range far beyond the boundaries of that embattled nation.
Peace in Afghanistan Will Come at a Price
Jan 11, 2019 President Donald Trump has made a bid to end the 17-year war, but he fumbled on at least one major point.
U.S.-Pakistan Relations on a Razor’s Edge
Nov 8, 2018 The Afghanistan War stalemate and Islamabad's economic plight are adding to tensions.