
The Greatest Threat to Choice

May 7, 2007
When it comes to abortion, the Christian right presents a false choice between self-condemnation and a life of struggle. Until the impoverished and imperiled, so frequently driven into the arms of demagogues, are truly cared for, the freedom of all women will be at risk.

Supremes Know Best

Apr 26, 2007
Justice Kennedy's opinion that a woman's right to have an abortion should be limited because, in some cases, that decision is regretted harkens to a more primitive time and the Supreme Court's sometimes ugly legacy on women's rights.
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Mexico City to Decriminalize Abortion

Apr 25, 2007
If a Mexican woman has an abortion, she could find herself in jail unless she had been raped, her life was at risk or there was a likelihood of severe birth defects. But that's about to change in the capital city, home to one-fifth of Mexico's population, where the legislature has voted by a wide margin to decriminalize abortion.

Governing the Womb

Apr 19, 2007
The Supreme Court on Wednesday rejected decades of precedent and the rights of women to satisfy an ideological agenda. Is it any wonder that those most eager to legislate the womb are the lawmakers and judges without one?

Giuliani Makes Campaign Official

Feb 6, 2007
Rudolph Giuliani decided to take Hillary's advice and join the conversation, announcing his candidacy for the presidency on Monday. Despite his popularity, the former mayor of New York can expect headaches in the Republican primaries over his very public marital difficulties and a moderate stance on choice and gay rights.

Kansas Abortion Doctor Gets Scrooged

Dec 23, 2006
A prominent Kansas abortion provider has been charged with 30 misdemeanor violations of state law by the outgoing state attorney general. Dr. George Tiller and his supporters believe that Attorney General Phill Kline (above), who lost the November election and has only three weeks left in office, issued the charges as a farewell act of malice. Update: A judge dismissed all charges only hours after they were filed (h/t: Frank in comments).