
There’s a Republican Under My Bed

Feb 12, 2008
It is insane to waste time and energy worrying that somewhere, doubtless in a high-tech subterranean lair, Republican masterminds are cackling over their diabolical plot: The use of reverse psychology to lure unsuspecting Democrats into nominating Barack Obama, an innocent lamb who will be chewed up by the attack machine in the fall. Mwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Clinton Gets Negative About Negativity

Jan 24, 2008
On the same day that the Clinton campaign premiered a new attack ad in South Carolina, former President Bill Clinton tried to blame the Obama campaign and the media for heating up the rhetoric. Bill has been dispatched to South Carolina to hold the line against Obama while Hillary shores up support around the country.
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Clinton, Obama Trade Barbs

Jan 14, 2008
In case you missed this weekend's fireworks, Hillary Clinton went on "Meet the Press" and accused the Obama campaign of, among other things, distorting her Martin Luther King Jr comments and agitating racial tension Barack Obama dismissed the accusation as "ludicrous," because, he said, he hadn't even commented on Clinton's remarks.

Footage of Bhutto Attack Released

Dec 29, 2007
Well, let's just say that this video footage of the fatal attack on Pakistani politician Benazir Bhutto doesn't help much when it comes to sorting out exactly what happened as her motorcade passed through the crowd at Ravalpindi on Thursday, but judge for yourself.

Benazir Bhutto Assassinated

Dec 28, 2007
Pakistan is in a state of turmoil following a suicide attack that killed former Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto and at least 20 others in Rawalpindi on Thursday. Bhutto had appeared at a rally to drum up support for Pakistan's upcoming elections on Jan. 8 when a gunman shot her and blew himself up, sparking protests and more deadly clashes around the country.

Clinton Targets Obama on the Web

Dec 21, 2007
The Hillary Clinton campaign has secured two domain names for Web sites that will be devoted to attacking Barack Obama. A Clinton representative says negative sites are nothing new, but the Obama campaign says Clinton's latest Internet efforts are "politically motivated attacks in the eleventh hour of a closely contested campaign."

Lessing’s Lessons on 9/11

Oct 24, 2007
Allowing that some Americans might find her "crazy," Nobel Prize-winning writer Doris Lessing told Spain's El Pais newspaper that the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, were "neither as terrible or as extraordinary as they think," pointing to the IRA bombings in Britain as other examples of calamities.

Bush’s Holy War

Sep 16, 2007
In this thought-provoking opinion piece from the UK's Daily Mail newspaper, writer Correlli Barnett points out how, in waging his own brand of holy war, Bush (and, by extension, former British PM Tony Blair) failed to comprehend crucial lessons about war that historical examples have repeatedly borne out.