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The Big Business of Sex Addiction

Nov 16, 2010
Cast your mind back to a time before sex addiction qualified as a legitimate issue rather than a snarky euphemism (although for some that might still be the case) Hard to remember, what with the Bill Clintons and Tiger Woodses (continued).

Jonesin’ for Their Net Fix

Apr 25, 2010
Researchers at the University of Maryland have studied the consequences of 200 American college students unhooking from all media -- cell phones, social media, Internet -- for 24 hours, finding that many suffered symptoms of withdrawal similar to those in drug and alcohol addictions.

Is Tanning Addictive?

Apr 20, 2010
By now, we all ought to be aware that making like Tater Tots and browning ourselves, whether the natural way or on tanning beds, isn't a recipe for optimal health. So why do some people still do it, sometimes to excess? Turns out aesthetics may not fully explain the tanning phenomenon.

Americans Bingeing on Internet’s Info-Buffet

Jan 27, 2010
If it is true that "how you do one thing is how you do everything," then Americans are right on track with their consumption habits, both in terms of food and information. Among his observations, The Atlantic's Derek Thompson points out how the info-glut on the Internet doesn't exactly lead to a more accurately informed public.

Top Psychologists Analyze Themselves

Oct 6, 2009
Psychologists are people too, and they're prone to having quirks and neuroses despite their extensive training on the various facets of the human psyche. The British Psychological Society prodded 23 top psychologists to fess up to their own curiosities and inconsistencies on the organization's blog. Analyze away.