
Lieberman’s Last Stand: Scare Tactics

Aug 8, 2006
With mere hours to go before the Connecticut primary vote, Sen. Joe Lieberman said a victory for challenger Ned Lamont would send a message to the country: ?In the Democratic Party, there?s no room for strong-on-security Dems.? Actually, a victory for Lamont would send a message that there's no room in the party for Dems who coddle President Bush as he exploits the so-called war on terror to launch imperialist misadventures.

Greenwald: Neocon Policy, R.I.P.

Aug 8, 2006
In the above photo, arch neoconservative William Kristol takes a pie in the face while delivering a pro-Iraq war speech in 2005. Bestselling author Glenn Greenwald describes (Salon, ad wall) how pundits like Kristol are on the run everywhere -- after their bloodthirsty, imperialist policies have proved disastrous for America and global stability.
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Trailing Lamont, Lieberman Spins Furiously

Aug 7, 2006
Down in the polls against challenger Ned Lamont, and with under 24 hours to go before the U.S. Senate primary in Connecticut, Sen. Joe Lieberman tried to distance himself from Bush. You'll love how he tried to spin his infamous career-killing line, "In matters of war, we undermine presidential credibility at our nation's peril." Check out Truthdig's interview with Lamont

Madonna ‘Crucified’ in Italy, Angering Vatican

Aug 7, 2006
The pop queen staged a mock crucifixion in a stadium a mile away from Vatican City, ignoring accusations of blasphemy by the Catholic Church, and even inviting Pope Benedict to come and watch. Of course, Madonna has been fending off Vatican blasphemy accusations since 1989 -- in the pre-"covering up for child molestors" era, when many people still felt the Catholic Church held the moral high ground.

Bono Buys a Piece of Forbes

Aug 7, 2006
A group of investors, including the U2 frontman, bought a minority stake in the financial publishing company. An investor partner says Bono ?drove this part of the discussion and likes the fact that there has been a consistent philosophy throughout its history.?

Half of U.S. Still Believes Iraq had WMD

Aug 7, 2006
With a July 21 poll revealing that half the country still thinks Iraq had WMD, the Associated Press asks several experts why this myth persists. One answer: people tend to become "independent of reality." This is not without historical precendent. Pictured above is Hiroo Onoda, a former Japanese army officer who was stationed on a Phillipines island at the end of World War II and who kept on fighting until 1974 because no one told him the war had ended.

Bush, Congress Cut Welfare Programs

Aug 7, 2006
New welfare rules written by Congress and the Bush administration are taking effect, denying assistance to the poor for education and drug addiction treatment. The rules also require welfare recipients to work more hours a week, without providing additional child support subsidies.