Paul Cummins

Paul Cummins

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Paul Cummins is executive director of the New Visions Foundation, a nonprofit organization that seeks to catalyze change in American public education. He co-founded Crossroads School (Santa Monica, CA) in 1971, the Crossroads Community...


The Rebirth of Education

Mar 3, 2009
A friend of mine, J.M. Zimmerman, once stated that to revitalize our schools, engage our children and ultimately save our planet will require “the death of education and its rebirth.” Sometimes systems are so flawed that they need to be scrapped and replaced rather than fiddled with or fixed.

When Teachers Are the Dropouts

Apr 26, 2008
Much is made of the dropout rate in America's schools, and usually it's the students who are the focus of the discussion. But what happens when teachers themselves opt out of their roles in the classroom? [In this short analysis, Truthdig educational expert Paul Cummins looks at teachers' heartbreak, frustration and depression.]

In Their Place

Apr 11, 2007
After 400 years of abuse, African-Americans continue to struggle with an inequitable America. If we're serious about leaving no child behind, we should start by offering black families a fair shot in life.

We Must Learn Again

Apr 4, 2007
The author takes aim at the shortcomings of the contemporary American educational system, laments the current state of arts education, and wonders what exactly schools are preparing younger generations to do -- and become.