Allen Barra

Allen Barra

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Allen Barra writes about sports for The Wall Street Journal and regularly contributes to The and He is the author of several books.


The Poems of François Villon

Jan 18, 2014
François Villon, the medieval French poet, was a champion of the underclass -- street thugs, pimps, gamblers, petty criminals, prostitutes No poet has ever written of the refuse of society with such compassionThe medieval French poet was a champion of the underclass—street thugs, pimps, gamblers, prostitutes.

Happy Birthday, Hemingway!

Jul 19, 2013
Sunday would be Ernest Hemingway's 114th birthday. More than anyone, he cleaned out the stuffy British conventions that clogged American writing in the 1920s and allowed the next generation to find their own voices.More than anyone, Ernest Hemingway cleaned out the stuffy British conventions that clogged American writing in the 1920s and allowed the next generation to find their own voices.

Words From the Right: On Buckley and From Paul and Breitbart

May 27, 2011
As Campaign 2012 looms large, it's not exactly clear who or what will define the moment for conservatives -- has the Tea Party Express run out of steam? Who will emerge as their rightful leader? These three reads give us some idea of where they've been and where they might be headed.As Campaign 2012 looms large, it's not exactly clear who or what will define the moment for conservatives -- has the Tea Party Express run out of steam?

Memoirs of an Odd One In

Dec 3, 2010
Garry Wills, the greatest political commentator of our time, belongs to no trendy circles unless the circle could extend backward in time to one of his most profound influences, G.K. Chesterton.Garry Wills might be called a passionate dispassionate observer.

The Dylan in All of Us

Sep 10, 2010
You have every right to pick up “Bob Dylan in America” with skepticism -- or at least you would if you didn’t know how deep Sean Wilentz’s background in traditional American music goes.Sean Wilentz on Bob Dylan? What’s next -- Doris Kearns Goodwin on the Rolling Stones?

Allen Barra on Winston Churchill

Jan 1, 2010
Is there anything left to say about Churchill’s extraordinary life and turbulent times? If so, can it be said in the brief compass of Paul Johnson’s 192-page primer?Can Paul Johnson's 192-page primer tell us anything about Churchill's extraordinary life that we didn't already know?