Truthdiggers of the Week: Skeptics of Obama’s Syrian Weapons Claims

Sep 1, 2013
This week we honor those who retain their commitment to truth in the face of easy answers, incomplete reporting and official misinformation, such as former Rep. Dennis Kucinich.Amid lingering but narrowing uncertainty about what happened in Ghouta, we honor those who remain skeptical of power in all its forms and sympathetic to the welfare of others.
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‘Left, Right & Center’: Syria and the Hour of Decision

Aug 31, 2013
Truthdig Editor-in-Chief Robert Scheer and the other "Left, Right & Center" panelists discuss whether President Obama should start a war after Secretary of State John Kerry said there is clear evidence Syria used poison gas against rebels and civilians. Should Obama wait for more evidence from U.N. inspectors? What is the proper role of the U.S., and should the issue be taken to Congress?

Inhumane War in the Name of Humanity

Aug 31, 2013
Today we are poised to engage in war against Syria with such a flimsy case being made to attempt to justify an attack, it could only be the product of cynicism and willful misrepresentation in the cause of war and a callous disregard for our true national interest.Today we are poised to engage in war against Syria with such a flimsy case being made to attempt to justify an attack, it could only be the product of cynicism and willful misrepresentation.

Kerry Presents Case for Attack on Syria

Aug 30, 2013
After the British Parliament's refusal to join a U.S. attack on Syria, the secretary of state declared Friday there was "clear" and "compelling" evidence that the government of President Bashar al-Assad used poison gas against its citizens. Meanwhile, the Obama administration released an unclassified intelligence report intended to back up the claim.