
Senate Rejects Calls for Iraq Troop Withdrawal

Jun 22, 2006
The stricter of the two bills being voted on--a measure that would have mandated a pullout by 2007--went down 86-13 The bill that didn't have a timetable was defeated 60-39, with all but one Republican and six Democrats voting against the measure UPDATE: The Senate is weighing a modest troop reduction in the coming months .
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Below the Radar: Conditions Worsen in Iraq

Feb 9, 2006
You might not hear it from the US media, but the situation continues to deteriorate In the last few days: Four U Marines are killed and 20 Iraqis die in twin car bombings A British lieutenant colonel says, "You almost move from being part of the solution to becoming part of the problem" A car bomb in Basra City kills 20, exploding the myth that the southern, Shiite part of Iraq is secure.