
Senate Prepares for Constitutional Showdown

Jan 31, 2007
A parade of experts before the Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed the power of Congress to "validly limit the presidential use of force." Tuesday's hearing came as legislators prepared to square off against Bush's war escalation and amid the concern, shared by Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Pa., that a constitutional battle is "imminent."

Troops Starting to Demand Withdrawal

Dec 16, 2006
Truthdig contributor Marc Cooper, writing for The Nation, uncovers a growing movement of active-duty soldiers who are petitioning Congress to begin the withdrawal of troops. A 21-year-old soldier serving in Iraq who signed the petition says of the war: "The well is so poisoned by what we have done here that nothing can fix it."
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Feingold Questions Study Group’s Judgment

Dec 7, 2006
Flipping through the news channels on Wednesday, one would have seen an endless parade of pundits and politicians praising the Iraq Study Group's report One exception was a man who was critical of the war before it was in style, Sen Russ Feingold (D-Wis), who told "Countdown's" Keith Olbermann: "The fact is, this commission was composed apparently entirely of people who did not have the judgment to oppose this Iraq war in the first place" Watch it.

Rumsfeld Memo Calls for ‘Major Adjustment’

Dec 3, 2006
Another confidential memo has landed in the hands of The New York Times, this one written by Don Rumsfeld himself The disgraced former defense secretary suggested major changes in Iraq strategy, including the possibility of troop withdrawals: "In my view it is time for a major adjustment" Bush apparently agreed, firing Rumsfeld just two days later.