
Renewed Violence in France

Oct 26, 2006
Authorities are scrambling to address a possible resurgence of violence after two buses were torched near Paris on Wednesday. Last year's civil unrest led to the destruction of some 9,000 vehicles in and around the city.

Possible U.S. Troop Increase in Baghdad

Oct 24, 2006
Gen. George W. Casey announced that he is considering sending more U.S. troops to Iraq in order to help quell the violence. This is a major reversal of the military withdrawal that started last December. The reductions stopped in June when the violence in Baghdad showed no signs of abatement.
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Hiding in Plain Sight

Sep 6, 2006
Iraqis have been taking great pains to conceal their identities in order to avoid sectarian violence. Because personal information, such as a name and province of origin, can hint at whether they are Shiite or Sunni, the fake ID trade is booming and worried Iraqis sometimes even change their license plates.

Are Bush & Co. Seeking Democracy Alternatives in Iraq?

Aug 18, 2006
ThinkProgress drew our attention to this nugget buried at the end of a N.Y. Times article yesterday: Bush administration officials are "beginning to plan for the possibility that Iraq's democratically elected government might not survive." Reporters bury this kind of news only if it's not very well sourced. So we're staying conservative on this one.

Greenwald: Neocon Policy, R.I.P.

Aug 8, 2006
In the above photo, arch neoconservative William Kristol takes a pie in the face while delivering a pro-Iraq war speech in 2005. Bestselling author Glenn Greenwald describes (Salon, ad wall) how pundits like Kristol are on the run everywhere -- after their bloodthirsty, imperialist policies have proved disastrous for America and global stability.

Friedman Jumps on the Antiwar Bandwagon

Aug 5, 2006
Tom Friedman, the NY Times columnist whose Mideast and Iraq war analyses formed the "conventional thinking" for centrists and lefties the world 'round, has thrown in the towel on his three-year-long support of the Iraq war: "It is now obvious that we are not midwifing democracy in Iraq We are baby-sitting a civil war" (more) .

As U.S. Deaths Drop, Iraqi Deaths Rise

Aug 2, 2006
At least 44 US troops were killed in Iraq in July, well below the average monthly death toll of about 64 However, the sectarian conflict is worsening: Baghdad's morgue received 1,595 bodies in June, up 16% over May (July figures were not available) "American troops are no longer the primary focus of the people perpetuating the violence inside Iraq," said a U think tank expert, "they have become a secondary target" .

A Sea Change in Bush’s Thinking on Iraq?

Jul 27, 2006
Don't miss this observation by the Washington Post's Dan Froomkin: "President Bush and national security adviser Stephen Hadley yesterday for the first time publicly acknowledged the momentous shift in the role for U.S. troops in Iraq, from fighting terrorists to trying to suppress religious violence."

Israelis and Lebanese Are Still Talking — on the Net

Jul 23, 2006
Official diplomatic relations between the two countries may be at a nadir, but young citizens on both sides are finding common ground on Internet chat boards Says a blogger: "We have tons of things in common We come from two of the most liberal, educated countries in the Middle East" Also: Read the back story on that infamous picture of Israeli girls writing on rocket shells.