united arab emirates
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Dubai Says No to ‘Sex’

Apr 20, 2010
Maybe Dubai is onto something. Sarah Jessica Parker had hoped to give "Sex and the City 2" a different kind of cosmopolitan twist by setting the girlie gabfest in the Middle Eastern metropolis, but despite months of concerted effort the Arab emirate wasn't, as they say, having it.

World’s Tallest Tower Opens in Dubai

Jan 5, 2010
It was going to be known as the Burj Dubai (Dubai Tower), but given Dubai's recent economic woes and given that its UAE neighbor, Abu Dhabi, came to the rescue with $10 billion last month, it's both a fitting tribute and a sign of the times that the world's tallest building is now called the Burj Khalifa in honor of Abu Dhabi's leader.

Global Markets Hit by Dubai’s Debt Crisis

Nov 28, 2009
Dubai's debt issues caused trouble in other parts of the world Friday. Stock markets from Europe to Asia to the U.S. registered the effects of the city-state's announcement that it would need to put off paying back $60 billion in debt incurred from investments, according to The Wall Street Journal.

Wanted: New Planet

Oct 29, 2008
If first you don't succeed, get a new planet. A new World Wildlife Fund survey has found that, given the current rate of global consumption and taking into account the capacity of the Earth to regenerate its own resources, the human species will need an entirely new planet by mid-2030 to keep up with our demand for resources and waste disposal.