
The Illusion of Freedom

Aug 19, 2016
This deception will exist as long as we "stay in our place." Once we call out power for what it is, once we resist, the chimera will vanish. The iron fist of history's most sophisticated security and surveillance apparatus will assert itself with a terrifying fury.
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The Plague of American Authoritarianism

Aug 24, 2015
It is too easy to believe in a binary logic that categorizes a country as either strictly authoritarian or strictly democratic, and leaves no room for the possibility of a mixture of the two. American politics today suggests a more updated if not different form of authoritarianism.

Orwell, Huxley and America’s Plunge Into Authoritarianism

Jun 21, 2015
In spite of their differing perceptions, George Orwell and Aldous Huxley both argued that the established democracies of the West were quickly foreclosing the promise of liberal democracy and entering a space where totalitarianism perverts the modern ideals of justice, freedom and political emancipation.

Our Mania for Hope Is a Curse

May 25, 2015
Our corporate masters know that our obsession with hope—the irrational belief we are headed toward some glorious future—causes us to ignore reality and remain disempowered. And this is why they peddle the myth of inevitable progress across the cultural and political spectrum.

VIDEO: Scheer and Hedges on Surveillance, Corporatism and the National Security State (Part 3/7)

May 22, 2015
Chris Hedges and Robert Scheer continue their conversation for The Real News Network about Scheer's latest book, "They Know Everything About You: How Data-Collecting Corporations and Snooping Government Agencies Are Destroying Democracy." In this segment, they discuss whether there is room for optimism vis-à-vis the surveillance of American citizens and the plunder of personal data by the fused corporate-political state.