timothy geithner

Obama Talks Corporate Tax Cuts and Loopholes

Feb 22, 2012
So the official story here is that President Obama says he wants to cut the country's corporate tax rate by seven percentage points, dropping it from 35 percent to 28 percent, which gives him a nice tax-related headline on a day when similar stories are cropping up about the competition.

Geithner Eyes the Exit

Jan 26, 2012
If you saw the broadcast of Tuesday's State of the Union address, you might have caught Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner looking a little uneasy on his perch next to a solemn Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, which could have something to do with the state of his position at the White House.
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Wall Street Occupiers Make Gains

Oct 8, 2011
The Occupy Wall Street protests are making more than just a splash; LGBT activists join the Occupy Wall Street protests to assert their rights; meanwhile, a secret panel places Americans on a "kill list." These discoveries and more after the jump.

If McCain Had Won

Jul 16, 2011
Nothing reveals the true state of American politics today more than the fact that Democratic President Barack Obama has left the Democratic Party far weaker than it would have been had McCain been elected.President Obama has left the Democratic Party far weaker than it would have been had Sen. John McCain been elected.

The Way Away From a Second Term

Jul 5, 2011
In his first essay for New York Magazine since quitting The New York Times last spring, Frank Rich thoughtfully details Barack Obama's failure to push back against the financial wheeler-dealers who drove the country to the brink of ruin (more).

A Road Map to Economic Armageddon

Jun 3, 2011
In "Reckless Endangerment," Gretchen Morgenson and Joshua Rosner argue that cozy connections between government and the financial industry were the primary cause of the financial crisis.