tahrir square

Tahrir Square All Over Again

Nov 20, 2011
Egyptian security forces killed at least three demonstrators in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Sunday as troops moved against huge crowds protesting the military’s attempts to grant itself permanent governmental powers a week before the first post-Mubarak parliamentary elections.

Egyptians Take On Military Council in New Protest

Nov 19, 2011
Last February, ushering in the storied Arab Spring, Egyptians poured into the streets to clamor for change -- regime change, which led to the ousting of longtime leader Hosni Mubarak On Friday, protesters again flooded Cairo's Tahrir Square, this time to call on the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (more).
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Bread and the ‘Tropic of Chaos’

Jul 21, 2011
Christian Parenti, who writes regularly for The Nation magazine, has published a book detailing some of the present and future social impacts of climate change. In an essay on Tom Dispatch.com, he connects the rising cost of bread to the revolutionary uprisings in the Middle East and Northern Africa. (more)