
Students Confront Ashcroft

Dec 1, 2007
Some 150 students donned hoods and turned their backs in silent protest of former Attorney General John Ashcroft at Cornell University on Thursday. Cornell law student and protest co-planner Michael Siegel told Truthdig the demonstrators were meant to represent "the detainees who were arrested and imprisoned without due process under Ashcroft's leadership."

A Vote for an iPod: A Fair Exchange?

Nov 15, 2007
Oh dear -- file this one under "further evidence our democracy's in deep trouble": The Politico reports that, according to a recent poll of over 3,000 NYU undergraduates conducted by an on-campus journalism class, two-thirds said they would give up their right to vote in the next presidential election in exchange for a year's tuition at their school, while 20 percent said they'd swap it for an iPod touch.
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Maine Middle School to Offer Birth Control

Oct 18, 2007
While the nation's tweens and teens are taught the laughable "abstinence only" government-sponsored curriculum about sex, one middle school in Maine is taking a more realistic approach to the matter, offering a range of birth control options in an effort to curb a troubling trend toward teen pregnancy among its students. Yes, you read that right: This is a middle school we're talking about here.

Student Tasered at Kerry Event

Sep 18, 2007
Guess he wasn't in the "free speech zone": University of Florida student Andrew Meyer apparently went on too long while asking Sen. John Kerry about his 2004 presidential run (among other questions) and was Tasered and arrested on Monday. Did the police overreact? That's where Internet video comes in handy.

Making the Grade

Aug 7, 2007
Students aren't the only ones who worry about grades -- teachers also have to meet performance standards and follow curricula dictated by their districts. However, as educator Sharon Scranage points out, teachers working with socioeconomically disadvantaged children have to deal with even greater challenges without the aid of a specific "core" curriculum to address their students' special needs.

The Field Trip From Hell

May 14, 2007
A school in Tennessee recently staged a drill with a fake gunman during a week-long field trip that left students terrified and in tears. The sixth-graders were told a teacher dressed in a hooded sweatshirt was a shooter on the loose and that it was not a drill. The school's principal said the incident "involved poor judgment."

Firestorm Over Attack on Yale Singers

Jan 14, 2007
Nearly two weeks after a group of San Francisco high school students assaulted the members of a Yale all-male a capella singing group -- leaving two hospitalized -- charges of homophobia, a police cover-up and local political indifference are making headway in the national news media Comprehensive coverage Cops finish questioning singers (two weeks late) <!--Check out a recent (non-attack) video of the Yale singing group, The Baker's Dozen-->.