
What Do Toyota and Big Tobacco Have in Common?

Mar 9, 2010
Fed up with a certain automotive academic who has been challenging Toyota's claims about its car troubles, the automaker demonstrated similar problems in its competitors' vehicles and fielded a team of experts to argue counterpoint. One of those experts runs a consulting firm for hire that once found no link between secondhand smoke and cancer. (continued)

GOP Lawmaker Demands Recall of Car That Drove Him to Gay Club

Mar 8, 2010
The senator said not only did the car drive him to the gay nightclub, but it forced him to enter the club and party there for hours, resulting in his later arrest for DUI. (Editor's note: Although Roy Ashburn is a real state senator who really was arrested on a DUI charge after allegedly being at a gay club, in this column Borowitz takes the liberty of manufacturing a set of quotations for satire's sake.)
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Obama Healthy, Still Sins

Mar 1, 2010
As most recent presidents have done, Barack Obama has released the results of his annual physical examination. Doctors are reporting the president is in "excellent health" despite his continued struggle with addiction to nicotine.

Anti-Smoking Camp Targets ‘Avatar’

Jan 12, 2010
James Cameron's "Avatar" has made beaucoup bucks, already taking in more than $1 billion worldwide since its last last month, but there's at least one group that's not happy with certain aspects of his futuristic odyssey A campaign called Smoke Free Movies sponsored a major ad buy in Hollywood's two prominent trade papers Tuesday to protest (continued).

U.S. Adult Cigarette Smoking Rate Rose in 2008

Nov 13, 2009
Blame it on the recession? Cigarette smoking among American adults had been on the decline for about 15 years, but in 2008 the smoking rate rose, bumping up slightly from 19.8 percent the previous year to just under 21 percent, according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If the Cigarettes Don’t Get You, the Meds Might

Jul 2, 2009
As if quitting smoking wasn't hard enough: The FDA is slapping mental health warnings on varenicline and buproprion, two drugs commonly prescribed to help smokers ditch their "cancer sticks," as both medications may cause serious neuropsychiatric problems and could even provoke suicidal behavior among users.

‘To Health’?

Jun 26, 2009
A study published in The Lancet medical journal concludes that the effects of alcohol should be viewed in the same light as the effects of smoking. Alcohol consumption is linked to one in every 25 deaths worldwide, the study said.

Congress OKs Anti-Smoking Bill

Jun 12, 2009
Congress gave final approval to a bill that gives the federal government far-reaching power to try to decrease smoking in the U.S. Positioned to be much more effective than those stupid tobacco company-sponsored "Truth" commercials, the bill would limit nicotine levels and use of words like mild and light. Updated