sheldon adelson

The Rebirth of Family Capitalism

Sep 12, 2014
This is the indigenous romance of American capitalism: The man from nowhere rises out of obscurity to unimaginable heights through the application of disciplined effort, commercial cunning, and a gambler’s sang froid in the face of the unforgiving riskiness of the marketplace. Conversely, 19th century Gilded Age anti-capitalists knew this dark fairy tale as “the Property Beast.”
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How Sheldon Adelson and the American Oligarchs Are Ruining Democracy

Apr 2, 2014
Ironically, at the same time as I was holding town meetings in Vermont, a handful of prospective 2016 Republican presidential candidates (Jeb Bush, John Kasich, Chris Christie and Scott Walker) trekked to Las Vegas to audition for the support of Sheldon Adelson, the multibillionaire casino tycoon who spent at least $93 million underwriting conservative candidates in the last election cycle.

Sen. Sanders: ‘Will This Nation Become an Oligarchic Form of Society?’

Mar 28, 2014
In an address to the US Senate this week, Vermont independent Bernie Sanders testified to the basics of wealth inequality and described how it distorts the U political process His speech contains vital statistics for your reference Senate this week, Vermont independent Bernie Sanders gave us basic and vital statistics on wealth inequality in the United States.

The New Pay-As-You-Go Landscape of American ‘Democracy’

May 16, 2013
Politics, 79-year-old casino mogul Sheldon Adelson told The Wall Street Journal, is like poker: "I don't cry when I lose. There's always a new hand coming up." He said he could double his 2012 giving in future elections. "I'll spend that much and more," he said. "Let's cut any ambiguity."