senate majority leader
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How Mitch McConnell Made Donald Trump

Jul 2, 2018
The president owes both his election and his long-term impact to the Senate majority leader, who not only engineered the strategy that will let Trump make two Supreme Court appointments but also created the circumstances that facilitated his rise.

Democrats Finally Off the Filibuster on Executive Nominees

Nov 22, 2013
Republicans filibustering seemingly every second to obstruct the Obama administration's agenda has gotten under Democrats' skin at last. Thursday, after being dared by the GOP to go nuclear, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid pulled the plug on filibustering, allowing presidential nominees to be approved with a simple majority vote for the remainder of this Congress.

Reid Readies for Health Care Rumble

Nov 19, 2009
With the threat of a Republican-led filibuster looming large, Majority Leader Harry Reid is faced with the unenviable task of ushering the Senate's version of the health care reform bill through his congressional chamber. On Wednesday, Reid started his woo-a-thon with an only slightly easier audience: moderate Democrats.